Snooker World Championships Discussion

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29.06.2012, 17:06

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

Thursday June 28

32 Robert Milkins 5-3 Judd Trump
29 Mark Williams 5-3 Mark Allen
26 Stuart Bingham 5-4 Ken Doherty
30 Fergal O'Brien 2-5 Marcus Campbell

27 Jamie Burnett 3-5 Mark Davis
25 Mark Selby 5-0 Jamie Cope
28 Graeme Dott 5-4 Rod Lawler
31 Joe Perry 4-5 Ricky Walden

Friday June 29

Mark Selby 4-5 Stuart Bingham
Mark Davis 5-0 Graeme Dott

Mark Williams 3-5 Marcus Campbell
Ricky Walden 5-3 Robert Milkins

28.06.2012, 14:33

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

Wuxi Classic 2012 . Day 3

Shaun Murphy 1-5 Ken Doherty

Mark Williams (64, 69, 63) 5-0 Tom Ford.

Ricky Walden (60, 55) 5-0 Zhu Yinghui

Andrew Higginson (58, 59) 3-5 Robert Milkins (65, 55, 54, 54

Judd Trump (113, 108, 75, 64, 50) 5-1 Dominic Dale (51)

Stephen Maguire 4-5 Rod Lawler (77, 129).

Stephen Lee (66, 56) 1-5 Marcus Campbell (73).
Graeme Dott (71, 75, 80) 5-1 Zhou Yuelong

26.06.2012, 22:14

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

maryna1234 wrote:Wuxi Classic 2012.Day 2

Neil Robertson (54) 1-5 Jamie Burnett (90, 54)

Mark Allen (89, 66) 5-1 Rouzi Maimaiti.

Ken Doherty (102, 60, 54) 5-4 Lu Ning (101)

It´s nice to see that ken Doherty still can play on a good level Thumb up

26.06.2012, 20:55

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

Wuxi Classic 2012.Day 2

Neil Robertson (54) 1-5 Jamie Burnett (90, 54)

Mark Allen (89, 66) 5-1 Rouzi Maimaiti.

Ken Doherty (102, 60, 54) 5-4 Lu Ning (101)

08.05.2012, 10:53

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

Ronnie O'Sullivan beats Ali Carter 18-11 in the Crucible final 2012.

Ronnie O'Sullivan, a great champion who has made ​​a significant contribution to snooker
in terms of spectacle and fantasy. Many people, including myself, are passionate about
the snooker just because they saw him play.
Furthermore, it is a very nice person, a bit special enough to give it the nickname "The Rocket".
According to me, for the snooker is and will remain a monument and a symbol.

Despite all the problems he had in the past, will remain forever in the Heart of all snooker lovers.
Congratulations, Ronnie.SmileThumb upThumb upThumb up

Have a good day.SmileThumb up

07.05.2012, 21:54

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

Congratulations to Ronnie O'Sullivan! It's like the german commentator said. When Ronnie is in that condition, there is nobody who can beat him. It was fun to watch him play, and let this game looks so easy.

07.05.2012, 21:50

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

Ali Carter, a big rival for a big champion:

07.05.2012, 21:39

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

Ronie champion! Congratulations! Now this is the story! And it is unlikely to happen again! There will be something to tell my grandchildren! I am fan since 1982! And if you remember this time I'm glad that I saw Platini Zoff Maradona Rummenige (match France-Germany in 1982, I believe the most beautiful) In basketball, I found the Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan! F1 gave me a look Senna Prost Mansel! Mor Gretzky Lemeuex McCynroy! This list can be continued ad infinitum! But I will not take up your time! Appreciate the moment the witness of which you have become! Good-bye! Before the next tournament!

07.05.2012, 17:56

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

14:9 for Ronnie O'Sullivan at the moment

07.05.2012, 17:41

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

At 23:45 of Sunday, 6/5/2012 10-7 for Ronnie O'SullivanThumb up and Carter could be worse.
For the Rochet the finish line to victory becomes closer.

Good luck to Ronnie.Smile

Good evening to all.SmileThumb up

06.05.2012, 21:20

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

Carter very well but Ronnie, spectacular.

06.05.2012, 21:13

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion


06.05.2012, 19:07

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

Ronni O'Sullivan (the RocketSmile and, for me, the King:thumbupSmile vs Ali Carter in the final of World Championship 2012.
If I remember correctly, the two players have met in the 2008 final and won Ronnie.Big Grin
I cross my fingers for Ronnie and wish him a big "good luck".Thumb upThumb upThumb up

Good evening to all.SmileThumb up

06.05.2012, 14:35

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

Again waiting for Ronnie and GIA! Don't just wait and good performances!!!Smile

05.05.2012, 21:12

Re: Snooker World Championships Discussion

Ali Carter and Ronnie O'Sullivan will challenge the final.

the results from the semis:

Ali Carter vs. Stephen Maguire 17:12
Ronnie O'Sullivan vs. Matthew Stevens 17:10
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