Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

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22.08.2015, 23:36

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1 : Rosberg
2 : Vettel
3 : Raikkonen
4 : Hamilton
5 : Massa

FL Hamilton
PS : 2
TB Räikkönen > Bottas
GP : 10

22.08.2015, 23:07

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1. Hamilton
2. Rosberg
3. Bottas
4. Vettel
5. Massa

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pitstop Massa: 3
B. 2 T.: Räikkönen<Bottas
Gr. Pos. Verstappen: 12

22.08.2015, 17:49

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1. Hamilton
2. Rosberg
3. Bottas
4. Perez
5. Massa

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pitstop Massa: 3
B. 2 T.: Räikkönen<Bottas
Gr. Pos. Verstappen: 15

20.08.2015, 11:41

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1 : Rosberg
2 : Vettel
3 : Raikkonen
4 : Hamilton
5 : Massa

Fastest Lap: Sebastian Vettel
Pit Stop F.Massa : 2
Bat 2 Teams : Räikkönen > Bottas
Grid Pos . M.Verstappen : 6th place

Kind Regards
Shaky - Schumi

20.08.2015, 11:38

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

11th race of the season . Everyone who likes can join/enter the game .... you can post your vote until sunday +/-13.40 CET !!! Race starts at 14.00u CET

Remember this year you have to give 5 names ( random order is oké ! ) of who you will think will end up as the 1st 5 drivers that will cross the finish !!!

The name that have chosen for the Pit Stop is Felipe Massa

The names that I have chosen for the Battle 2 Teams are Kimi Räikkönen ( Ferrari ) versus Valtteri Bottas ( Williams )

The name for the Grid Position that I have chosen is Max Verstappen ( Torro Rosso )

Kind Regards
Shaky - Schumi

26.07.2015, 19:35

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

Our Result of the Hungarian GP :

wolf1: 4 points for top 5
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 12 points

Carl: 4 points for top 5
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score :12 points

rep68: 4 points for top 5
Fastest Lap : 3 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Gr.Pos . : 1points
Total Score : 12 points

dazaman: 2 points for top 5
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . :1 point
Total Score : 10 points

galahad : 2 points for top 5
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . :1 point
Total Score : 10 points

oberon: 4 points for top 5
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . :1 point
Total Score : 12 points

Italianfan : 2 points for top 5
Fastest lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat.2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . :1 point
total score : 10 points

Dr.Menard/Finntec : 4 points for top 5
Fastest lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat.2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . :1 point
Total score :12 points

Shaky: 2 points for top 5
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Gr.Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 10 points

quiquems: 6 points for top 5
Fastest Lap : 3 points
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 5 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total Score : 16 points

Mr_Niceguy: 1 points for top 5
Fastest Lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 1 points
[b]Total Score : 7 points

passion : 1 points for top 5
Fastest lap : 1 point
Pitstop : 1 point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . : 1 point
Total score : 7 points

kyke50 : 1 point for top 5
Fastest Lap :1 point
Pitstop : 1point
Bat. 2 Teams : 3 points
Grid Pos . :1 points
Total Score : 7 points[/b]

Champions List “ Race Day “ Game 2015 , Anniversary Edition season 2015 : Zondag 26//07

13 : passion : 60 points
12 : kyke50 : 63 points
11 : Mr.Niceguy :178 points
10 : Shaky : 189 points
09 : dazaman : 190 points
08 : rep68 : 200 points
07 : galahad : 200 points
06 : Carl : 201 points
05 : wolf1 : 204 points
04 : Dr.Menard/Finntec : 205 points
03 : quiqems : 207 points
02 : Italianfan : 212 points
01 : oberon : 221 points

Members Constructor Championchip F1 season 2015 , Zondag 26/07/2015

07 : Lotus = 81
06 : Red Bull = 241
05 : McLaren = 391
04 : Sauber = 396
03 : Williams = 404
02 : Ferrari = 412
01 : Mercedes = 426

Next apointment : after the summerbreak of 3 weeks's Belgium Tongue Thumb up

Kind Regards
Shaky - Schumi

26.07.2015, 13:24

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1.- Lewis Hamilton
2.- Nico Rosberg
3.- Sebastian Vettel
4.- Daniel Ricciardo
5.- Daniil Kvyat

Fastest Lap: Lewis Hamilton
Pit Stop Button : 2
Bat 2 Teams : Bottas> Räikkönen
Grid Pos . N.Hulkenberg : 10th

26.07.2015, 12:14

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1 Lewis Hamilton
2 Sebastian Vettel
3 Nico Rosberg
4 Kimi Räikkönen
5 Valtteri Bottas

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pit Stop Button : 2
Bat 2 Teams : K.Räikkönen > V.Bottas
Grid Pos . N.Hulkenberg : 8th place

Kind Regards
Shaky - Schumi

26.07.2015, 12:11

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1. Hamilton
2. Rosberg
3. Vettel
4. Räikkönen
5. Ricciardo

Fastest Lap: Hamilton

Pit Stop: Button 2

Bat2 T: Räikkönen > Bottas

GridPos: Hülkenberg 9


26.07.2015, 11:42

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

Top 5 : 1. L. Hamilton
2. N. Rosberg
3. S. Vettel
4. K. Raikkonen
5. V. Bottas

Fastest Lap : L. Hamilton

J. Button Pit-stops : 2

2 Teams Battle : K. Raikkonen > V. Bottas

N. Hulkenberg Final Position : 9th

26.07.2015, 11:29

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1. Hamilton
2. Rosberg
3. Vettel
4. Raikkonen
5. Ricciardo

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pit Stop: Button 2
Battle 2 Teams: Raikkonen > Bottas
Grid Position: Hulkenberg 9th

26.07.2015, 11:00

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1: Hamilton
2: Rosberg
3: Vettel
4: Raikkonen
5: Bottas

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pit Stop: Button 2
B. 2 Teams: Raikkonen > Bottas
Gr. Pos.: Hulkenberg 10th place

26.07.2015, 03:19

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1, hamilton
2, Rosberg
3, Vettel
4, Raikkonen
5, Bottas

fastest Lap: Hamilton

Button Pitstops: 2

B. 2 Teams: Raikkonen>Bottas

Gr.Pos, Hulkenberg: 9Th

26.07.2015, 01:55

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1. Hamilton
2. Rosberg
3. Räikkönen
4. Vettel
5. Ricciardo

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pit Stop Button: 3
B. 2 T.: Räikkönen>Bottas
Gr. Pos. Hulkenberg: 8

26.07.2015, 00:30

Re: Formula 1 “ Race Day “ Game 2015 " 5th Anniversary " Edition( o

1. Hamilton
2. Rosberg
3. Vettel
4. Ricciardo
5. Räikkönen

Fastest Lap: Hamilton
Pit Stop Button: 2
B. 2 T.: Räikkönen>Bottas
Gr. Pos. Hulkenberg: 10