do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

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10.02.2014, 18:41

do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

This new thread is, simply, so that the lovers of the classic music, we say what are the works that we like or that more have impressed us.
It is allowed to repeat the works if they are different versions, since the same work can be completely different according to the version to that we listen.
The music is life, enjoy the life.

17.11.2016, 20:43

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

On Saturday I travel down to Kilmarnock as its Brassband Competition day for us in Scotland, we picked this test piece and we hope to get a positive result. Whatever happens just so long as we come off that stage knowing that we have played it to be the best of our ability then that's all we can ask for. The adjudicators will be in a box and won't know the name of the band on stage as a draw will take place before the competition commences. Each band will be assigned a number and that's the only information that the adjudicators will be allowed to know as anything other than secrecy would break the rules.

This is our Test Piece

Once we finish we will do what is customary in the Brass Band culture and that is to pay a visit to the nearest pub before heading back for the result Smile

14.03.2016, 22:27

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

Make no mistake about it Katherine Jenkins is an absolute honey Heart so ofcourse her very good looks was going to advance her in the classical world but she also has an amazing voice. She sings like an angel and also gets my pulse racing TongueThumb up

27.12.2015, 04:53

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

Any classical music lover will surely be both amazed and entertained by this amazing young musician.

The piece is the Violin Concerto in G by Alma Deutscher (born 2005) - III Allegreo vivace e scherzando

Yes she composed and arranged this before her 10th birthday.

Just to confirm her talent and the beauty of the music here she is playing,

Mozart's Piano Concerto K.246, with cadenza by Alma Deutscher

These appearances are both in conjunction with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.

27.12.2015, 03:38

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

Christmas is over. Time to take a deep breath and calm down.

J.S. Bach: Adagios- Sheep may safely graze
Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
Sir Neville Marriner

29.11.2015, 02:10

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

Here is a little song I like very much

R. Schumann "Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär" Op.43 Nr.1
Barbara Bonney, Sopran
Angelika Kirchschlager, Mezzosopran
Malcolm Martineau, Piano

Pals, have a nice and peaceful 1. Advent

08.11.2015, 22:51

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

In my previous post I mentioned that I specialized in being a cornet player. This performance is from the legendary James Shepherd. I have also performed this solo too and just so happened to win the solos contest hands down so this piece brings back a lot of happy memories to me SmileThumb up

Infact I can play this piece without the need for sheet music as I know if off by heart Big Grin

08.11.2015, 07:48

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

Some brassband music here for you and I shall let you all into a little secret here I have indeed played this piece having spent a long time as principal cornet player of my local Brassband Big Grin

One of my alltime favourites and an absolute joy to perform Thumb up

08.11.2015, 03:35

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

Guess it's time to revive this thread.and I think my friend kyke50 would agree with me.

'Glenn Gould and Leonard Bernstein Bach Concerto in D minor BWV1052'

Damn, I really miss Kyke.

25.03.2015, 20:52

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

For a friend

07.02.2015, 18:29

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

Alberto Ginastera - 'Malambo' from the Estancia Suite.
Gustavo Dudamel and the Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra

With this wonderful energetic music,I want to wish you all a nice weekend. SmileSmileSmile

23.01.2015, 17:10

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

Emile Waldteufel - 'The Ice Skaters Waltz'
The Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by H. von Karajan

Weekend SmileSmileSmile

16.01.2015, 18:34

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

Aaron Copland - 'Fanfare for the Common Man'
James Levine and the New York Philharmonic

Have a nice weekend Smile

21.12.2014, 14:02

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

This is my favourite Christmas 'song'. Smile

Merry Christmas to everyone.SmileSmileSmile

28.11.2014, 19:01

Re: do you like the classic music? what are your favorite works?

Today is the 185th Birthday of Anton Rubinstein.
He was a Russian composer,conductor and one of the greatest pianists of the 19th century.Rubinstein was also an influential person for the russian music culture (teacher of P.Tchaikovsky and founder of the Saint Petersburg Conservatory).

Anton Rubinstein-'Ivan the Terrible'
The Russian State Symphony Orchestra conducted by Igor Golovchin

Have a nice weekend SmileSmileSmile
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