Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

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22.05.2014, 23:17

Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Are you into sick/twisted/horrible movies? If, yes, then hopefully you'll like this thread Big Grin.

What makes a movie "disturbing" for you? We all view movies different to one another, so I'd like to read what you have to say on this subject and lets see some clips posted too Big Grin

Now, none of these movies I've posted are in any order.

Well a disturbing movie thread wouldn't be complete with this first movie I've choosen - A Serbian Film (2010). There's some really dodgy things in this movie, but I won't type the words because of Google Search lol. It's a pretty ruthless film tbh, some parts are pretty shocking lol.

Next is: Cannibal Holocaust (1980). I had the chance to watch the uncut version of this film and it made me sick. The animal cruelty is horrible! I will never watch this version again Thumb down lol.


Irréversible (2002). There's two scenes in this film are pure WTF moments. However, this is a fucking great film Big Grin

03.12.2014, 19:20

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

galahad wrote:Hi Leah Smile, i've seen Excision, it's pretty disturbing but it didn't impress me too much, watchable but don't expect too much, i had more fun with American Mary who has something in common and Katharine Isabelle is hot Big Grin

Thanx for your reply galahad,
American Mary is a good movie, did watch it a couple of times. Smile

03.12.2014, 19:15

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Hi Leah Smile, i've seen Excision, it's pretty disturbing but it didn't impress me too much, watchable but don't expect too much, i had more fun with American Mary who has something in common and Katharine Isabelle is hot Big Grin

03.12.2014, 18:54

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

I just discover this trailer for the movie EXCISION.

A disturbed and delusional high school student with aspirations of a career in medicine goes to extremes to earn the approval of her controlling mother

should be a Psychological Horror movie with dark humour. Sounds and looks a bit weird. Big Grin
If someone of you guys did watch this movie already, please let me know how good or bad it is/was.Smile

20.11.2014, 15:44

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

The Skin I Live In

There's no Blood 'n Guts in this movie, but the story it's self is pretty fucked up lol. Again it's one of them movie what I can't really tell you much about, due to ruining......well......just watch it Big Grin

I don't just like this movie because of it's shock factor, it's just a damn good movie. I highly recommend this if you haven't seen it already Thumb upThumb up

02.10.2014, 20:28

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen aka Even Dwarfs Started Small (1970)
The inhabitants of an institution in a remote country rebel against their keepers. Their acts of rebellion are by turns humorous, boring and alarming. An allegory on the problematic nature of fully liberating the human spirit, as both commendable and disturbing elements of our nature come forward. The film shows how justifiable revolt may be empowering, but may also turn to chaos and depravity. The allegory is developed in part by the fact that the film is cast entirely with dwarfs.

06.07.2014, 19:40

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Inbred is a 2011 British horror movie.

Four young offenders and their care workers spend a weekend in the remote Yorkshire village of Mortlake, which prides on keeping itself to itself. A minor incident with locals rapidly escalates into a blood-soaked, deliriously warped nightmare. All four of the young offenders and two of the careworkers are killed in very gruesome ways throughout the movie. Thanx Wiki Smile

Here you can watch the full movie Smile

04.07.2014, 20:41

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Basically this movie is fine Thumb up, i liked it, but some scenes is fucking disgusting and infuriating Angry. I want to belive that the world is not fully same shit like in this movie Sad.

09.06.2014, 23:24

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Taxidermia, a very good film from Hungary, sometimes funny but also highly disturbing.
Three generations of men, including a pervert that constantly seeks for new kinds of satisfaction, an obese speed eater and a passionate embalmer.

07.06.2014, 16:09

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

A classic Swedish exploitation film "rape and revenge", Thriller – A Cruel Picture (Swedish: Thriller – en grym film, also known as They Call Her One Eye) 1973.
The story is about a quiet girl, Frigga/Madeleine (Christina Lindberg), who is sexually assaulted during her childhood, and the trauma makes her mute. When she becomes older, she accepts a ride from a man, Tony (Heinz Hopf), who makes her a heroin addict, and then becomes her pimp. To hide the fact that she was kidnapped, the pimps write hateful letters to the parents who become so distraught they commit suicide. At one point, she is stabbed in the eye for refusing a client. She starts saving up money to buy a car and take classes in driving, shooting, and martial arts to take revenge.

03.06.2014, 00:55

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

galahad wrote:A great movie, Audition (1999)
A widower takes an offer to screen girls at a special audition, arranged for him by a friend to find him a new wife. The one he fancies is not who she appears to be after all.

Yes, top movie! A bit slow in parts but worth it for that ruthless ending *ouch* Smile

02.06.2014, 23:26

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

A great movie, Audition (1999)
A widower takes an offer to screen girls at a special audition, arranged for him by a friend to find him a new wife. The one he fancies is not who she appears to be after all.

02.06.2014, 22:59

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Dr.Menard the movie is bad(Beast in Space),
but Sirpa Lane is gorgeousTongueTongueTongue


02.06.2014, 22:52

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Dr.Menard wrote:this crap fits in both threads lol

can this shit stay in your thread????

PS;Extra work would uncomfortable for me Big Grin


Haha, feel free to post it anywhere lol

02.06.2014, 22:50

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

this crap fits in both threads lol

can this shit stay in your thread????

PS;Extra work would uncomfortable for me Big Grin

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