Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

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24.05.2014, 09:14

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Bad-Boy wrote:

I've always been about 50/50 for this film, dunno if I should watch it or not lol Angry

galahad wrote:Avoiding sick movies with gratuitous cruelty that i don't like, a very disturbing film and one of my favorites ever is The Devils by Ken Russell starring Oliver Reed and Vanessa Redgrave

Another new one to me. Cheers, galahad. I will have to check this one out Smile

23.05.2014, 17:55

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

23.05.2014, 17:20

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Avoiding sick movies with gratuitous cruelty that i don't like, a very disturbing film and one of my favorites ever is The Devils by Ken Russell starring Oliver Reed and Vanessa Redgrave

23.05.2014, 12:18

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Snowtown (2011). Based on true events, 16 year-old Jamie falls in with his mother's new boyfriend and his crowd of self-appointed neighborhood watchmen, a relationship that leads to a spree of torture and murder. Very good movie, highly recommended Thumb up

23.05.2014, 12:08

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

The innocents (1961)

I saw the movie on TV when I was a little boy

thank you Mr, Ghost for the nightmares and a few sleepless nights

great job Thumb up 10/10

23.05.2014, 01:16

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

the original scene is from a Jacopetti ´´Mondo´´ film

this scene is from F . O. D ( I don´´t like these series -either stolen or fake Thumb down

23.05.2014, 00:52

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

galahad wrote:The only Guinea Pig i've seen is He Never Dies because is stupid and very funny
Hideshi is a bland loser, luckless with women, working at a thankless job, and not very good at it, subject to berating from his boss. One day Hideshi just decides not to go to work at all, and doesn't leave his apartment for four days. No one calls. No one comes by to check up on him. So, wallowing in his ennui, he deeply slits his wrist with a box cutter. The gaping wound bleeds a little, but much to his surprise the wound stops bleeding and has no pain- he even pokes his finger into it just to make sure. After shoving a pen through his arm, cutting his hand off, and slitting his throat, Hideshi comes to the sad conclusion that not only was he a loser before but now is a bona fide freak of nature that cannot even find escape in suicide. He calls up his work buddy, who does some gardening on the side, and asks him to bring over some pruning shears, a hatchet, and decides to play a little joke on his unsuspecting friend.

I'm going to watch this now lol Thumb up

23.05.2014, 00:50

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

The Passion of the Christ (2004)

I don't know for you guys , but for me this movie is very disturbing.
I like the religious movies, but this movie is a horror movie and not religious.

23.05.2014, 00:47

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

The only Guinea Pig i've seen is He Never Dies because is stupid and very funny
Hideshi is a bland loser, luckless with women, working at a thankless job, and not very good at it, subject to berating from his boss. One day Hideshi just decides not to go to work at all, and doesn't leave his apartment for four days. No one calls. No one comes by to check up on him. So, wallowing in his ennui, he deeply slits his wrist with a box cutter. The gaping wound bleeds a little, but much to his surprise the wound stops bleeding and has no pain- he even pokes his finger into it just to make sure. After shoving a pen through his arm, cutting his hand off, and slitting his throat, Hideshi comes to the sad conclusion that not only was he a loser before but now is a bona fide freak of nature that cannot even find escape in suicide. He calls up his work buddy, who does some gardening on the side, and asks him to bring over some pruning shears, a hatchet, and decides to play a little joke on his unsuspecting friend.

23.05.2014, 00:33

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

galahad wrote:I have no problems with very violent and extremely gory films (i love them) but movies like A Serbian Film and Cannibal Holocaust are too much for me, there are many of this kind, i think of the Man Behind The Sun and Guinea Pig series, films just for shocking the audience.
However the most disturbing movie i saw lately was Martyrs, i had problems to get till the end, certainly i will not watch it again lol.

Lol. Martyrs, is one of my favorite movies Big Grin I do admit, the climax to the end it utter ruthless! I remember turning away at some points lol.

Man Behind The Sun, I have not seen yet, but seen it on many lists. I have seen Guinea Pig - Flowers of Flesh and Blood, though I wouldn't really call that disturbing to for me lol. It just looks too fake Tongue Of course I can see why some would find it disturbing.

23.05.2014, 00:28

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

I have no problems with very violent and extremely gory films (i love them) but movies like A Serbian Film and Cannibal Holocaust are too much for me, there are many of this kind, i think of the Man Behind The Sun and Guinea Pig series, films just for shocking the audience.
However the most disturbing movie i saw lately was Martyrs, i had problems to get till the end, certainly i will not watch it again lol.

23.05.2014, 00:24

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Another one from, Gaspar Noé - Enter the Void (2009). This film would have been better if it wasn't for it silly running time : 163 minutes. After a while it just drags on with the same visual effects over and over Sad

23.05.2014, 00:13

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Dr.Menard wrote:Seul contre tous aka:I Stand Alone aka: Menschenfeind directed byGaspar Noé ( Carne , Irréversible, )

.Menschenfeind will not easily be forgotten

I've never heard of Menschenfeind before. Thanks Big Grin

23.05.2014, 00:10

Re: Most Disturbing Movies EVER!

Seul contre tous aka:I Stand Alone aka: Menschenfeind directed byGaspar Noé ( Carne , Irréversible, )

.Menschenfeind will not easily be forgotten
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