Guess The Movie!

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07.06.2014, 22:22

Re: Guess The Movie!

Fuck it... the gooniesBig Grin

07.06.2014, 18:14

Re: Guess The Movie!

LeahLuv wrote:Going for another tactic. Tongue Could it be a spoof / parody movie like ......let me say Hot Shots!

And if no, please... can someone finish it off with the last guess and end this torture. Angry

Haha! Big Grin

Nope, sorry mate Big Grin

07.06.2014, 08:50

Re: Guess The Movie!

Going for another tactic. Tongue Could it be a spoof / parody movie like ......let me say Hot Shots!

And if no, please... can someone finish it off with the last guess and end this torture. Angry

07.06.2014, 01:52

Re: Guess The Movie!

karras wrote:Impossible. 4 days passed and we can't find this movie.

yaznee, i believe that only you have seen this movie.Big GrinBig GrinTongueTongue

I highly doubt that Tongue

07.06.2014, 01:49

Re: Guess The Movie!

Impossible. 4 days passed and we can't find this movie.

yaznee, i believe that only you have seen this movie.Big GrinBig GrinTongueTongue

07.06.2014, 00:58

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:
yaznee wrote:Doc, I dunno if you can read my PM hence why I'm posting here.

Have you got your problem sorted out?

yep it´´´s all good but!! I cannot see your pics(most beautiful actress..)or shots( Guess the movie):I can see the pictures from all other members,
have you blocked your pics? I see rotating circles this is my only problem

[hidden link - please register]

I have most certainly not blocked my pics! Why would I?

It's seems your problem isn't resolved Sad

Someone came to your house to fix your problem, yeah?

Hope you didn't pay them. This is why it's best to learn yourself, it's free Smile

I'd still say it's a browser problem, maybe you've even picked up a little virus which can be easily solved.

You're running Windows, yeah? Have you tried a different browser? IE(Internet Explorer)? I know I keep asking this, but you never answer me lol.

If you try, FireFox, Google Chrome and IE and the problem still exists, I'd format your computer and start from scratch. I could say run a anti-virus program, but I don't believe in them lol Big Grin

Format FTW!!!

07.06.2014, 00:09

Re: Guess The Movie!

Doc, I dunno if you can read my PM hence why I'm posting here.

Have you got your problem sorted out?

06.06.2014, 22:32

Re: Guess The Movie!

LeahLuv wrote:Can somebody please give the right anwser........!!!.Normaly at night I dream about nice sexy girls. Tongue
But this night I dreamed about a Angry girl with a big knife on here throat! AngryAngry

There will be a payback. Big Grin

Maybe you should change the rules a little bit, like after 8 wrong anwsers you can give some hints. Thumb up

Btw: could it be Ghost Ship? Smile

Haha! Lmao! It's not Ghost Ship, mate. Sorry. Tongue

06.06.2014, 19:49

Re: Guess The Movie!

Lol guys you are right, this movie give me nightmares Big Grin and if it's not an horror i have even less ideas Angry

06.06.2014, 17:58

Re: Guess The Movie!

I can only see a grey head with dirty hands ( or it's an asiatic type) , with a golden ring . Right in the background a manometer and a sort of machine.

3 days seeking , now I stop .

I leave the 2 guesses to anyone else , maybe they can fool YAZNEE

06.06.2014, 16:32

Re: Guess The Movie!

Can somebody please give the right anwser........!!!.Normaly at night I dream about nice sexy girls. Tongue
But this night I dreamed about a Angry girl with a big knife on here throat! AngryAngry

There will be a payback. Big Grin

Maybe you should change the rules a little bit, like after 8 wrong anwsers you can give some hints. Thumb up

Btw: could it be Ghost Ship? Smile

05.06.2014, 23:09

Re: Guess The Movie!

Doc, I won't be giving the answer away that easily lol. Keep on guessing Big Grin

3 guesses left Big Grin

05.06.2014, 20:05

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:I'm on your trail Big Grin, my friend ,
and it´´s not a joke.
In a couple of hours i have been revealed your mystery movie,and then it´´s italian western movie time Big Grin


With no guessing going on, there'll be no new movie lol Big Grin

05.06.2014, 18:41

Re: Guess The Movie!

I'm on your trail Big Grin, my friend ,
and it´´s not a joke.
In a couple of hours i have been revealed your mystery movie,and then it´´s italian western movie time Big Grin


05.06.2014, 13:32

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:Das Boot (1981) aka:The Boat(OFDb)

Big Grin Nopey Big Grin
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