Guess The Movie!

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02.06.2014, 19:54

Re: Guess The Movie!

karras wrote:Deadly Sibling Rivalry 2011?????

Sorry, mate. That is also incorrect Sad

02.06.2014, 19:51

Re: Guess The Movie!

Deadly Sibling Rivalry 2011?????

02.06.2014, 19:38

Re: Guess The Movie!

galahad wrote:Death Sentence (2007) ?

Nope. sorry, mate Sad

02.06.2014, 19:36

Re: Guess The Movie!

Death Sentence (2007) ?

02.06.2014, 19:28

Re: Guess The Movie!

yaznee wrote:
Dr.Menard wrote:[b]
yaznee wrote:
Dr.Menard wrote:the toilet paper is a good hint,my nose has taken the track.
You know Sherlock ,but I'm better than this clownCool

Lool! First clue. The shit roll is not a hint nor clue Tongue

a little toilet paper for this movie , a big step for me
&the brunette comes later in my little puzzle and bangBig Grin the movie is called ....

yaznee you know Kong is waiting

Hahah Lmao! Maybe it is Kong, Doc? Tongue

It is Kong, trust me I'm a hippie

02.06.2014, 19:21

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:
yaznee wrote:
Dr.Menard wrote:the toilet paper is a good hint,my nose has taken the track.
You know Sherlock ,but I'm better than this clownCool

Lool! First clue. The shit roll is not a hint nor clue Tongue

a little toilet paper for this movie , a big step for me
&the brunette comes later in my little puzzle and bangBig Grin the movie is called ....

yaznee you know Kong is waiting

Hahah Lmao! Maybe it is Kong, Doc? Tongue

02.06.2014, 19:19

Re: Guess The Movie!

yaznee wrote:
Dr.Menard wrote:the toilet paper is a good hint,my nose has taken the track.
You know Sherlock ,but I'm better than this clownCool

Lool! First clue. The shit roll is not a hint nor clue Tongue

a little toilet paper for this movie , a big step for me
&the brunette comes later in my little puzzle and bangBig Grin the movie is called ....

yaznee you know Kong is waiting

02.06.2014, 19:16

Re: Guess The Movie!

galahad wrote:Beautiful woman, she looks a lot like Lena Olin but i'm not sure, The Ninth Gate (1999) ?

Indeed, she's beautiful Big Grin But your answer is incorrect, mate Sad

02.06.2014, 19:15

Re: Guess The Movie!

Beautiful woman, she looks a lot like Lena Olin but i'm not sure, The Ninth Gate (1999) ?

02.06.2014, 18:57

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:the toilet paper is a good hint,my nose has taken the track.
You know Sherlock ,but I'm better than this clownCool

Lool! First clue. The shit roll is not a hint nor clue Tongue

02.06.2014, 18:43

Re: Guess The Movie!

the toilet paper is a good hint,my nose has taken the track.
You know Sherlock ,but I'm better than this clownCool

02.06.2014, 18:16

Re: Guess The Movie!

Lood Guck guys Tongue

[hidden image - please register]

02.06.2014, 18:12

Re: Guess The Movie!

yaznee wrote:
Dr.Menard wrote:yep it´´´s your turn,yaznee

[b]unfortunately you have not guess this movie<

[hidden link - please register] /!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol -lol-lol

Yup, never heard of it lol.

I am very surprised that no one guess this movie <

02.06.2014, 18:12

Re: Guess The Movie!

Good movie Doc and two big actors Marilyn and Robert Mitchum but that picture was impossible to me Big Grin

02.06.2014, 17:59

Re: Guess The Movie!

Dr.Menard wrote:yep it´´´s your turn,yaznee

unfortunately you have not guess this movie

[hidden link - please register] /!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol -lol-lol

Yup, never heard of it lol.
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