Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

4.43 (14 rating(s))

(4.43 / 5, 14 ratings)

Author Posts

04.02.2011, 09:36

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

A couple of highlights of sexy and generous Sammie from wednesday.

Download from 1ficher
(712x400 16:9 MP4, 12:15 mins, 157 MB)

03.02.2011, 15:14

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

unbelievable transformation

03.02.2011, 14:43

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion

Is posible some vid´s about her last nights shows in Elite Tv?

Thanks in advance

27.01.2011, 09:28

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

Here's more of sexy Sammie from later. She has also told that she's going to do more nights from now on Thumb up

Download from 1fichier
(712x400 16:9 MP4, 10:58 mins, 140 MB)

26.01.2011, 21:54

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion

Wow, what a hottie. I hope there will come some hot vids from Sammie ;-)

26.01.2011, 02:59

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

Like Tarl_Cabot said it was and still is a good show like she did on Bangbabes, so had to record some Blush
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25.01.2011, 22:54

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

dazaman wrote:Hmmm Bangbabes version would be better Confused

looks like the Bangbabes version is on Elite now. Smile

24.01.2011, 13:27

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
dazaman wrote:... and on tuesday she will be doing her first shift which happens to be a night show...

will she do a "Sammie @Elite night" or a "Sammie @Babestation night"?

Hmmm Bangbabes version would be better Confused

24.01.2011, 06:14

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

dazaman wrote:... and on tuesday she will be doing her first shift which happens to be a night show...

will she do a "Sammie @Elite night" or a "Sammie @Babestation night"?

24.01.2011, 00:36

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

Right guys you'll be pleased to hear that Sammie is back with Elite Smile and on tuesday she will be doing her first shift which happens to be a night show from 11pm-4am cet In love

So i look forward to seeing her then Smile

15.01.2011, 11:58

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

bi11ythekid wrote:Anyone know what prompted her jump to nights and finally getting her boobs out?

Also, when is she on next?

Sadly i can't answer your first question i think only sammie could do that really.

The second part i can answer, she was last on, on the 13th for Babeststion and was a dayshift Sad i and most others hope she settles well their and starts doing nights for them, but thats just hoping she does nights again Sad

15.01.2011, 10:22

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

Anyone know what prompted her jump to nights and finally getting her boobs out?

Also, when is she on next?

02.01.2011, 19:42

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

Thank so much to dazaman and shirtfull.

I didn´t know this page, now, I have in the prefers TongueTongueTongueThumb upThumb up

02.01.2011, 19:39

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

maurois wrote:
dazaman wrote:
maurois wrote:No videos her last night show CryCryCry
Please, if that is posible...I would to be very gratefull.
Thanks in advance

Sorry maurois she was not on last night Sad

I know she is not yesterday. I speak about her last show, since six days, in night show 26-12-2010 Thumb upThumb up
There are not vids about that night, she was spectacular and I would like to have vids about that Thumb upThumb up

Sorry mate mis-read Blush heres the link to shirtfulls post of Sammie [hidden link - please register]

02.01.2011, 19:23

Re: Sammie Pennington - Videos, Caps & Discussion (Merged)

dazaman wrote:
maurois wrote:No videos her last night show CryCryCry
Please, if that is posible...I would to be very gratefull.
Thanks in advance

Sorry maurois she was not on last night Sad

I know she is not yesterday. I speak about her last show, since six days, in night show 26-12-2010 Thumb upThumb up
There are not vids about that night, she was spectacular and I would like to have vids about that Thumb upThumb up
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