Bluebird TV - General Discussion

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09.01.2011, 19:51

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Dammit! So I've got to thank OFCOM again? Big Grin Tongue It seems they decide on what they want to achieve and then search out the (ever so slightly) relevant 'rule' and enforce it! You'd think they would be busy elsewhere at the moment,wouldn't you? Tongue

Dreamlander-Now if they could ban excessive tattoos,excessive piercings,boob jobs,'porno' shoes and tights appearing on the 900 channels,I may have to thank them again! TongueTongueTongue

09.01.2011, 03:43

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Gents, it was Ofcom. Now that these channels are deemed advertising smoking is breach of the BCAP code so Ofcom decided to follow up the complaints against this broadcaster concerning smoking by the presenters with some routine monitoring on a Tuesday. Must have Sky in their canteen.

In Breach
LivexxxBabes, 5 October 2010, 13:20

LivexxxBabes is a channel broadcasting in the ‘adult’ section of the electronic programme guide on Sky channel number 950 without mandatory restricted access. The licence for the channel is held by Satellite Entertainment Limited (“SEL” or “the Licensee”). At the time indicated, the channel promoted a service on screen known and branded as Bluebird TV. Viewers were invited to contact onscreen female presenters via premium rate telephony services (“PRS”). The female presenters generally dressed and behaved in a flirtatious manner in order to elicit premium rate phone calls.

As a result of its concerns about compliance in this sector, Ofcom conducts monitoring exercises of daytime and adult sex chat channels. Ofcom noted that presenters on this service were smoking as part of their performance. In this particular broadcast on 5 October 2010 the female presenter smoked a cigarette heavily for a period of around three minutes, direct to camera and in close up.

Ofcom’s statutory duties in relation to broadcast advertising were contracted out to the Advertising Standards Authority (“ASA”) in 2004. The rules governing broadcast advertising are set by the Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice (“BCAP”) with the approval of Ofcom. BCAP performs its function by setting, monitoring and amending the UK Broadcast Code of Advertising Practice (“the BCAP Code”), with Ofcom retaining back-stop enforcement powers. The investigation of complaints relating to daytime chat and adult sex chat broadcast services remain a matter for Ofcom. (Please see Ofcom’s statement published on 3 June 2010 (-1-)for further details).

Ofcom wrote to SEL, pointed out that daytime and adult sex chat broadcasts must comply with the BCAP Code, and requested formal representations in respect of the above broadcast under BCAP Code Rule:

10.3 (Advertisements must not promote smoking or the use of tobacco products.).


SEL said that the BCAP Code was an industry code of practice and not set in law and it questioned Ofcom’s power to enforce the advertising industry’s own voluntary code of self-regulation. In response Ofcom explained that: under the Communications Act 2003 Ofcom is required to set advertising standards for the content of television programmes and that had Ofcom contracted out this function to BCAP, who in turn fulfilled this function in setting the BCAP Code; under a condition of their licences, licensees are required to observe the BCAP Code; and that Ofcom has powers to establish procedures for the handling and resolution of complaints about the observance of these standards. SEL did not provide any representations regarding compliance with the BCAP Code by the deadline given by Ofcom. In the absence of any representations from the Licensee, Ofcom proceeded to reach a decision on this material against the BCAP Code.


The Principle at the start of Section 10 of the BCAP Code (Prohibited categories) sets out that: “Broadcast advertisements for some products…are not permitted either because those products may not be legally advertised or because of a clear potential for harm…to the audience or to society”. BCAP Rule 10.3 states that “advertisements must not promote smoking or the use of tobacco products.”

Ofcom noted that this PRS-based daytime chat teleshopping programming featured a female presenter wearing skimpy lingerie and smoking heavily. The presenter was shown inhaling a cigarette and blowing smoke to the camera over a period of around three minutes. Ofcom noted that the smoking featured heavily in the broadcast at this time - albeit in an advertisement selling a daytime chat service. The camera closed in on the presenter’s face and showed her enjoyment of the inhalation and exhalation of the cigarette.

However, in Ofcom’s view: the advertisement’s focus was clearly on the act of smoking and the female presenter’s evident enjoyment of it; the prolonged and drawn out nature of the sequence promoted this activity as something desirable; and, the smoking was clearly intended to be an additional enticement to viewers to call in to this teleshopping channel.

Ofcom accepts that daytime chat (and indeed adult chat) services are broadcast for the purposes of generating PRS telephony income by showing female presenters behaving in a flirtatious manner. In this case, Ofcom noted that smoking was part of the presenter’s behaviour. However, the prolonged sequence of the smoking in this particular advertisement drew attention to the activity of smoking as a desirable activity such that in Ofcom’s opinion it promoted smoking or the use of tobacco products in breach of Rule 10.3 of the BCAP Code.

Ofcom considers that the promotion of smoking or an unacceptable product - such as tobacco - in long-form advertising which it regulates (such as PRS chat services) is a serious matter. Broadcasters of such advertising must ensure that they do not promote, whether directly or indirectly, smoking or any unacceptable products or services listed in Section 10 of the BCAP Code.

Breach of Rule 10.3 of the BCAP Code

This is not the first breach against SEL the licensee nor the first time they have not made any relevant representation back to Ofcom. Next whipping boys for Ofcom, possibly, as they are now exposing breasts before 22.00 hours (Eva May) and getting naked just after this time, Bailey Cream.
I don't know what the relationship is between BB and SEL but i hope BB are serious in mounting a challenge against Ofcom.

I wonder if Ofcom will be contacting the local authority where BB's studio is located and supplying the video evidence to their Environmental Health Dept to take action for breach of the Health Act 2006.

[hidden link - please register]

07.01.2011, 19:14

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Your learning Dreamlander Big Grin

07.01.2011, 19:12

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

dazaman wrote:
Dreamlander wrote:Just read on their forum that OFCOM have told BB to stop broadcasting the girls smoking.I can't think of one good thing that they have ever done in the past but a big THANK YOU from me to OFCOM for this! (Never thought I'd write that) Big Grin At last,smoke free, 'fag end' free and cancer stick free Hannah Mac,just like the good old days,only hotter! Tongue

Dreamlander-Favourite Oxymoron, 'Sexy Smoking' Tongue

Sorry Dreamlander but thats just Bluebird blowing smoke rings Big Grin it as nothing to do with ofcon, more health and safety or they just forgot to get a few packs of cigs from the shop Smile

So please don't give credit to ofcon Please.

Sorry! Note to self: Must not believe anything on that forum! Must have been a moment of weakness! Big Grin Whatever the reason,I'm just pleased the most unhealthy and disgusting (IMO) fetish is banished from our screens! Thumb upThumb upThumb up


07.01.2011, 19:01

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Dreamlander wrote:Just read on their forum that OFCOM have told BB to stop broadcasting the girls smoking.I can't think of one good thing that they have ever done in the past but a big THANK YOU from me to OFCOM for this! (Never thought I'd write that) Big Grin At last,smoke free, 'fag end' free and cancer stick free Hannah Mac,just like the good old days,only hotter! Tongue

Dreamlander-Favourite Oxymoron, 'Sexy Smoking' Tongue

Sorry Dreamlander but thats just Bluebird blowing smoke rings Big Grin it as nothing to do with ofcon, more health and safety or they just forgot to get a few packs of cigs from the shop Smile

So please don't give credit to ofcon Please.

07.01.2011, 18:28

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Just read on their forum that OFCOM have told BB to stop broadcasting the girls smoking.I can't think of one good thing that they have ever done in the past but a big THANK YOU from me to OFCOM for this! (Never thought I'd write that) Big Grin At last,smoke free, 'fag end' free and cancer stick free Hannah Mac,just like the good old days,only hotter! Tongue

Dreamlander-Favourite Oxymoron, 'Sexy Smoking' Tongue

02.01.2011, 00:42

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

black8998 wrote:Hi, was watching bluebird on the website on december 30th 2010, and nudeblue was being shown FOR FREE. last time i checked it only was showing adverts, so does anyone know if it is free again. Thanks for the help

They just Had Laura Gibbs on their but she is not the ideal girl for that show, i must of recorded hours of her and seen nothing or she would now have her own thread, but yes it was on earlier maybe she as just gone on a break?

02.01.2011, 00:37

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Hi, was watching bluebird on the website on december 30th 2010, and nudeblue was being shown FOR FREE. last time i checked it only was showing adverts, so does anyone know if it is free again. Thanks for the help

29.12.2010, 15:41

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Has anyone else been told lies by bluebird

21.12.2010, 22:38

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

maximmus wrote:Im serious strange as it may seem, when they were together on the web stream only

I know maximmus thats what worries me Sad

21.12.2010, 22:29

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Im serious strange as it may seem, when they were together on the web stream only

21.12.2010, 22:23

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

maximmus wrote:IVE heard Eva May say to Alison mckenzie im off to find a heater so your not wrong Daz

Blush Whens a joke not a joke lol

21.12.2010, 22:19

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

IVE heard Eva May say to Alison mckenzie im off to find a heater so your not wrong Daz

21.12.2010, 20:40

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

I think its Bluebirds latest policy if nobody calls they turn the heating off Tongue

21.12.2010, 20:35

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

gator8 wrote:I know there are new rules about what can be worn during the day but isn't this taking it too far.

I suppose OfTwat won't shoot on them regarding animal protection.
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