Bluebird TV - General Discussion

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21.12.2010, 20:28

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

I know there are new rules about what can be worn during the day but isn't this taking it too far.

[hidden link - please register]

20.12.2010, 16:15

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

It's working for me (from France) since this morning.

20.12.2010, 16:02

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

tsontas wrote:Idk if im posting at the right topic but someone pls tell me. I cant watch bluebird. When im trying to load the streams a message appears telling me that is not allowed to watch in my country. Anyone knows a way to bypass this filter or a site that i can watch bluebird? Thanks in advance

Its the same for most out of the UK, the shows have not been on for the last 2 days but now are on again, TV and Web,

i live in the UK so will work ok for me, so maybe 1 of the other members of this forum can answer the question about the webstream working for them out side the UK Smile

20.12.2010, 08:46

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Idk if im posting at the right topic but someone pls tell me. I cant watch bluebird. When im trying to load the streams a message appears telling me that is not allowed to watch in my country. Anyone knows a way to bypass this filter or a site that i can watch bluebird? Thanks in advance

19.12.2010, 15:34

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Wolf9. at the moment there are still no shows on TV. and if info is correct there will be no show tonight as well.

So again stream is the least of there problems.

19.12.2010, 15:11

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

dazaman wrote:
Mauro wrote:
hubsonek wrote:since few days "web stream not available in yor country" SadSad

yes, here as well. Seems like they have restricted it to UK only.

They say thats a problem they are trying to sort out.

but at the moment it looks like they have bigger problems, as there are no shows on TV either, and nobody saying why.

Please Sad , when this problem will be reinstated ?

I do not see why they restricted Bluebird webstream view ,So why they make a stream if it's restricted ?

19.12.2010, 00:09

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Hello dazaman,
Sorry, I didn't read this topic.

18.12.2010, 23:52

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

misto17 wrote:Have you seen the new OFCOM rules?
[hidden link - please register]

Hi misto17 this link might be of interest to you [hidden link - please register]

18.12.2010, 23:44

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Have you seen the new OFCOM rules?
[hidden link - please register]

18.12.2010, 23:38

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Mauro wrote:
hubsonek wrote:since few days "web stream not available in yor country" SadSad

yes, here as well. Seems like they have restricted it to UK only.

They say thats a problem they are trying to sort out.

but at the moment it looks like they have bigger problems, as there are no shows on TV either, and nobody saying why.

18.12.2010, 22:54

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

hubsonek wrote:since few days "web stream not available in yor country" SadSad

yes, here as well. Seems like they have restricted it to UK only.

18.12.2010, 22:48

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

since few days "web stream not available in yor country" SadSad

03.12.2010, 18:09

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Krystal Webb skip the BB tv? Angry

02.12.2010, 17:35

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

Thanks Dazaman

01.12.2010, 11:43

Re: Bluebird TV - General Discussion

have you tried ant video downloader just click on download , it has its own player and is free just go to the web site [hidden link - please register] and download works with explorer and firefox but not with chrome dont know about any other browser hope its of some use
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