BlueBird Cams / GlamCams.

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13.07.2011, 13:16

BlueBird Cams / GlamCams.

For those who didn't know it seems the website is online and "running" now but all the 1 models are so busy. Big Grin
But all in all I'm sceptic about this site. As all the bluebird sites. Big Grin

Check it out here.
[hidden link - please register]

20.08.2011, 22:57

Re: BlueBird Cams / GlamCams.

Not sure how this service works but its saying Lou Llou is on Glamcams but i can see her on Channel 955 right now Confused

18.07.2011, 18:04

Re: BlueBird Cams / GlamCams.

Review update!!

Tested it again today with Cindy and it kinda worked better. Still abit laggy but quality is oki. Thumb up
Also I need to correct that the size can be set bigger if you roll the pointer down in the left corner of the feed. (I didn't see this the first time).
If the video was smooth and no lag I would give the "tech" a Thumb up

When it comes to the price I'm not sure. It's not expensive to go and chat with Cindy for a hot show because she is allways ready when you enter.
I'm just affraid with some of the other girls you need to talk about the weather for 1 hour until something starts to happen. Big Grin

What would make it better:
    Smoother video feed and more girls online.
    Also hope they can do like sexstation and let some of the evening/daytime girls do webcam chat also while they are in the studio.

So on this sunny day I'll give it a 6/10 points. Thumb up (Finaly BB did make something that works.)

And for those who disagree or douth this!! Go and buy 10 bucks and try it out with Cindy.

16.07.2011, 09:05

Re: BlueBird Cams / GlamCams.

usual crapness from bb

not sure I'll ever understand how "bluebucks" work

15.07.2011, 21:04

Re: BlueBird Cams / GlamCams.

CINDY BEHR is online now and seems to have noone to talk to. Big Grin
Really strange to see that a girl on the site really is not busy. Thumb up

14.07.2011, 20:01

Re: BlueBird Cams / GlamCams.

Review updated. Check new post. Tongue

14.07.2011, 14:34

Re: BlueBird Cams / GlamCams.

Eva May is currently online. And this time it's for real because I did visit her chat. Tongue

13.07.2011, 16:22

Re: BlueBird Cams / GlamCams.

I think it's just a "bogus" model who is online and they are doing tests. Smile

13.07.2011, 16:06

Re: BlueBird Cams / GlamCams.

Just read on there site Stacey is not due to appear till friday Confused so not sure why she is showing as online now for.

13.07.2011, 16:03

Re: BlueBird Cams / GlamCams.

One model on line currently and not available - doesn't look too promising
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