rtmpe stream recording babestation 24

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04.08.2014, 22:32

rtmpe stream recording babestation 24

Does anyone know the correct syntax for recording the German Babestation 24 using RTMPE in actual fact is there an idiots guide to using RTMPE i know the basics but need to know how you can add different streams etc to the ones normally posted any assitstance greatefuly recieved


05.08.2014, 15:56

Re: rtmpe stream recording babestation 24

Thank you very much for such a rapid reply with a solution Cool

05.08.2014, 14:01

Re: rtmpe stream recording babestation 24

rtmpdump -r rtmp://deliver.cdn.3qsdn.com:1935/2346/_definst_/Ct6zG7Nrj3v2JxD.mp4 -o bs24.flv

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