help for rapidshare

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10.08.2008, 15:06

help for rapidshare

hi to everybody,

I have a problem to give the extension to the files "Ein Sommer auf dem Lande" brought to this link [hidden link - please register].

once unloaded I don't know with that software to be able to open them.

"Ein Sommer auf dem Lande" it is a film that I have unloaded with Emule, but you/he/she is cut in some scenes xxx.

thanks for the help

ciao a tutti,

ho un problema per dare l'estensione a i file "Ein Sommer auf dem Lande" riportati a questo link [hidden link - please register].

una volta scaricati non so con che software poterli aprire.

"Ein Sommer auf dem Lande" è un film che ho scaricato con Emule, ma è tagliato in alcune scene xxx.

grazie per l'aiuto

13.08.2008, 10:36

Re: help for rapidshare

thanks HVB,

I have unloaded the present film in "sexyshare"..... excellent the quality video


10.08.2008, 18:11

Re: help for rapidshare

Or try here: [hidden link - please register]

10.08.2008, 15:59

Re: help for rapidshare

Try this:- Add the extention " .Part1.rar " to the first file downloaded and see what winrar or equivelant makes of it. If an error is produced look carefully for any file names the program was was expecting.

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