Posting in Firefox 3

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27.07.2008, 00:10

Posting in Firefox 3

Hi, I'm using Firefox 3 to browse this site, and I'm having trouble with the posting page. It worked fine the first time I tried to post a message, but then it stopped working. Whenever I try to post another message, the text editor won't load up, it just shows a blank textbox with no toolbar and in which it won't let me write.

The only way to make the text editor come back up is to erase the browser cache, and then it works again for a single time.

Is anyone else running into this kind of problem or know of any workaround?


31.08.2008, 16:45

Re: Posting in Firefox 3

I'm not sure what (if anything) changed on the server, but now the posting works fine every time in Firefox 3.0.1.


27.07.2008, 22:14

Re: Posting in Firefox 3

Hi Mauro,

thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately, I'm still seeing the same behaviour.

Don''t sweat it, though. It justs takes three extra clicks to clear the cache before every post, so it's no real problem.

27.07.2008, 16:11

Re: Posting in Firefox 3

same probleme to me to

27.07.2008, 13:00

Re: Posting in Firefox 3

i have the same problem

27.07.2008, 12:51

Re: Posting in Firefox 3

Guys I just updated the editor to the latest version. Please clean your browser cache and try again.

27.07.2008, 11:57

Re: Posting in Firefox 3

i'm running firefox 3 and sorry guys but i'm not having this problem although i am running version 3.0.1.

perhaps i might be running an add-on that you guys aren't... but i wouldn't know what to suggest

27.07.2008, 10:15

Re: Posting in Firefox 3

I have the same problem with Firefox 3 - especially in the EuroticTV-Forum

27.07.2008, 01:15

Re: Posting in Firefox 3

I have the same problem.Maybe it will later be solved with an upgrade but you can still use internet explorer and opera.

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