How to record Streams?!

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07.04.2017, 13:03

RTMPdump codes

Hi! Smile
Did Studio 66 codes change? My bat "recording" files won't work anymore.
Could anyone share the new ones?

We could even use this thread to keep these codes up to date.

Thanks in advance Smile

04.12.2016, 02:08

Re: How to record Streams?!

ewicc wrote:sorry for the stupid newbie question.. but how do you use what you have given. I have tried it in vlc player, went to open network stream then copied and pasted the info you gave, but it did not work??

thanks in advance

Paste the code onto notepad and save as babecall.bat

If you have a rtmp file then it will work, if not have this - [hidden link - please register]
Make sure that bat file and rtmp file are placed in same folder, file should now work.

Double click on bat file
cmd box will appear - This is your recording
double click VLC icon under the bat file to view
To finish recording
Close cmd box
right click vlc icon
stick in another folder
rename - This is your finished recording

04.12.2016, 01:17

Re: How to record Streams?!

darren73 wrote:Bs new Babecall app

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -f "WIN 23,0,0,207" -W "" --live -y "livestream_two1" -o "babecall.flv"

sorry for the stupid newbie question.. but how do you use what you have given. I have tried it in vlc player, went to open network stream then copied and pasted the info you gave, but it did not work??

thanks in advance

04.12.2016, 00:02

Re: How to record Streams?!

Bs new Babecall app

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -f "WIN 23,0,0,207" -W "" --live -y "livestream_two1" -o "babecall.flv"

01.08.2016, 13:43

Re: How to record Streams?!

andyxm715 wrote:
zidious wrote:Hi, everyone! Smile
Any chance to get the Banestation Pervecam stream codes?

Whats Banestation Pervecam

If you mean Babestation Pervcam, then the answer is no, Pervcam is a paid for service, either pay to use the service or don't use it Cool

31.07.2016, 22:48

Re: How to record Streams?!

Hi, everyone! Smile
Any chance to get the Banestation Pervecam stream codes?

30.07.2016, 02:10

Re: How to record Streams?!

Hi guys,

i'm sure it's been asked many times, but can enyone tell me how to open a rtmp adress in vlc-player?
I tryed it a many times but i can't open the new files below.
In the past i opend the streams with rtsp://. .. but since a few weeks i can't open it.

i hope someone can help me.


27.07.2016, 20:22

Re: How to record Streams?!

New Babestation Unleashed codes

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "ingest_cellcast/" -f "WIN 22,0,0,209" -W "" -p "" -y "livestream1" -o livestream1.flv

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "ingest_cellcast/" -f "WIN 22,0,0,209" -W "" -p "" -y "livestream_two1" -o livestream_two1.flv

EnjoyBig GrinThumb up

25.07.2016, 23:29

Re: How to record Streams?!

Has anyone got the new unleashed links please

25.07.2016, 16:20

Re: How to record Streams?!

People who are familiar with RTMP will have noticed that the babestation codes no longer work and any that do display a large phone number banner right in the middle of the screen,so here are my new ones minus the banner.Happy recording and posting all.

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "ingest_cellcast/" -f "WIN 22,0,0,209" -W "" -p "" -y "encoder71" -o encoder71.flv

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "ingest_cellcast/" -f "WIN 22,0,0,209" -W "" -p "" -y "encoder21" -o encoder21.flv

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "ingest_cellcast/" -f "WIN 22,0,0,209" -W "" -p "" -y "encoder31" -o encoder31.flv

30.06.2016, 13:55

Re: How to record Streams?!

New stream for RTMP


rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "leved/" -f "WIN 22,0,0,192" -W "" -p "" -y "ibabetv" -o ibabetv.flv

17.03.2016, 18:45

Re: How to record Streams?!

Here are the new RTMPdump S66 codes;

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -f "WIN 21,0,0,182" -W "" -T "S8ocT5w56i5G" --live -y "studio66tv_channel11" -o studio66tv_channel1.flv

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -f "WIN 21,0,0,182" -W "" -T "S8ocT5w56i5G" --live -y "studio66tv_channel21" -o studio66tv_channel2.flv

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -f "WIN 21,0,0,182" -W "" -T "S8ocT5w56i5G" --live -y "studio66tv_channel31" -o studio66tv_channel3.flv

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -f "WIN 21,0,0,182" -W "" -T "S8ocT5w56i5G" --live -y "studio66tv_channel41" -o studio66tv_channel4.flv

13.02.2016, 22:51

Re: How to record Streams?!

I do it this way:

right click on mouse pad - "save target as" - and right into my self made folder "videos" - i still do this since my very first computer in 2000! it always works!

13.02.2016, 19:51

Re: How to record Streams?!

Open Broadcaster Software with Browser Plugin is also a good way to capture streams.

16.07.2015, 12:04

Re: How to record Streams?!

RTMP code for Babestation catchup.

-r "rtmp://" -a "cellcast/" -f "WIN 17,0,0,134"-W "" -p "" -y "encoder41" -o babestationcatchup.flv