How to download with if you are in Italy
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Post: #1 Last edited: 02.12.2013, 04:35 01.12.2013, 02:14 How to download with if you are in Italy
Versione in lingua italiana giu in fondo! / you can find italian version on bottom of the page!
I know that many italian having problem with some hosting website like uploaded or rapidshare that problems are cause by blocks made by some italian's internet providers, the reason of thoose blocks are for reduce copyrights violation (piracy) you can find many solutions on internet , also in this forum too but they are not good for all italian users many of them can't fix this problem just changing dsn number (like almost all webtips talk about) the final solution who work for all is this : to make a VPN internet connection this "how to do" guide is direct to people who are not so into use computer and internet, (because if you were you were you been able to just search on google how to fix uploaded and rapidshare block from Italy) ;-) so i will show the most easy way to use VPN connection what is a VPN ? with a VPN we can connect on internet in total safe and anonymous to all website of the world, vpn just is based to change your ip number that is your like identity card of your computer , he is unique for each computer and show also you country with vpn we can connect anonymous and choose which country we would to lets believe we are connecting, USA, Germany, etc. e.g. i used vpn when i was in China for bypass chinese's censored google and others services :-) ok now lets come to the point... you can create a vpn connection with microsoft windows making a new connection but this procedure is maybe not easy for everyone so the most easy way to use vpn is to use vpn software who do all this for you and let you choose when you want to be on vpn anonymous mode or not just by few mouse clicks there are many vpn software, some are freware some you need to buy, just check on google... i suggest you "cyberghost" you can download it from there: [hidden link - please register] now lets see together how it works: 1: Download it and istall 2: Close all your browsers 3: Connect to internet like you do everytime, you need to be already online to use cyberghost.. 4: Launch cyberghost, you will see that window, as you can see it show your ip number and your just click on "simulated country" bottom page on the left side [hidden link - please register] 5: From that new window you can choose which country you want to let world believe you are connecting from..( to be anonymous), in this example i choosed Germany, then click on "ok" button [hidden link - please register] 6: If that windows appear to you, just wait few seconds and after that click on "continue with free" [hidden link - please register] 7: Now click on the big yellow circle button on bottom of the page to connect...and magic you now are connecting from germany with a different ip number totally anonymous (in my case it results from Hamburg but i was in Rome) ;-) [hidden link - please register] 8: Now you can open your browser, if you type or you can see how they are in german version (because i chose germany ip number in this sample), now you can go to uploaded or rapidshare or whatever and download without problem. I hope this guide was helpful,let me know... thanks Francesco Versione Italiana: Molti italiani hanno problemi con i principali siti di hosting come Uploaded o Rapidshare, questi problemi sono dovuti ad una serie di blocchi che alcuni provider ialiani hanno applicato per contrastare la diffusione della pirateria in giro si trovano molte guide anche su questo forum che però non sono valide per tutti gli utenti alcuni infatti non riescono a risolvere il problema cambiando i dns.. la soluzione definitiva per tutti è una sola : connessione VPN questa guida è diretta ad una tipologia di persone che non sono molto pratiche con l'uso del computer (altrimenti avreste gia trovato la soluzione da soli cercando su google) ;-) quindi vi mostrerò il modo più facile di sfruttare una connessione VPN, non voglio sentire problemi, paure, io non ci riesco, io ho paura etc. uploaded e rapidshare sono largamente utilizzati quindi dovete risolvere questo problema prima o poi cosa significa VPN? Con un vpn navighiamo in totale sicurezza e anonimato in qualsiasi sito web mondiale aggirando qualsiasi ostacolo imposto per legge dai singoli stati. Tutto ciò si basa sul semplice principio di cambiare il proprio ip che identifica non solo il nostro pc nella rete, ma anche quel'è l'area geografica di appartenenza. Quindi in questo caso il nostro ip è italiano perchè siamo in italia. Con un vpn possiamo ottenere un ip diverso di tipo americano, tedesco ecc pur essendo sempre in italia. Quindi è come se accedessimo dall'estero verso l'italia. Io per esempio usavo una connessione vpn in Cina per usare google senza censure e tutti i servizi che li sono vietati. Dunque, veniamo al sodo, potete creare ua nuova connessione VPN da windows ma la procedura potrebbe essere complicata per alcuni quindi il modo più facile per sfruttare questa connessione è usare programmi che fanno tutto da soli e possiamo di volta in volta scegliere attivare o disattivare vpn con un semplice click del mouse ci sono programmi gratuiti e a pagamento basta cercare su google "free vpn" io vi suggerisco cyberghost, gratuito e semplicissimo, scaricabile da qui: [hidden link - please register] Ora vediamo come funziona: 1: Scaricate ed installate cyberghost 2: Chiudete tutte le finestre browser, (firefox, explorer o chrome etc.) 3: Collegatevi ad internet normalmente (se avete un router siete gia connessi ad internet) 4: Lanciate cyberghost, avrete questa finestra, come potete vedere qui c'è il vostro numero ip e la vostra nazionalità, ora cliccate su "simulated Country" in basso a sinistra: [hidden link - please register] 5: Da questa finestra potete scegliere in quale paese volete far risultare la vostra connessione anonima, io in questo caso scelgo germania, cliccate su ok: [hidden link - please register] 6: Se vi appare questa finestra attendete i secondi necessari e cliccate su "continue with free" [hidden link - please register] 7: Ora cliccate sul grande bottone giallo in fondo alla finestra nel mezzo e.... per magia ora siete connessi ad internet dalla Germania (Amburgo nel mio caso) e completamente anonimi! :-) [hidden link - please register] 8: Adesso potete aprire il vostro browser: firefox, internet explorer o google chrome etc. se provate a digitare o via apparirà la versione tedesca (se avete scelto germania), ora potete caricare la pagina di uploaded, rapidshare etc. quello che preferite e non avere nessun tipo di blocco per il donwload dei files spero che questa guida sia utile, fatemi sapere .... Francesco |
Post: #13 Last edited: 23.01.2015, 22:44 23.01.2015, 22:43 Re: How to download with if you are in ItalyBornExtreme wrote:Why CyberGhost doesn't work?I don't know, it works fine with me. I'm using it for more than one year and I used it in Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Occasionally slow connection or interruptions occur, then selecting a less busy server solves the issue. OK, I have a Premium, if you use it for free there may be a problem with limited capacity. Regards Joker |
Post: #12 Last edited: 23.01.2015, 00:49 23.01.2015, 00:43 Re: How to download with if you are in Italy
Why CyberGhost doesn't work?
I waited 30 minutes to connect from another country, but it didn't work. |
problem solved for italian users just install SpotFlux Lite on your chrome browser and you can access again on
this estension is totally free and you can find it on the chrome webstore [hidden link - please register] |
I think I found something interessting for users from Italy:
[hidden link - please register] descrizione completamente in italiano! ![]() |
i use cyberghost myself and it is very good at protecting your ip. even when you use flash it wont leak your ip, unlike tor (at least it hasnt for me this last month), not all vpns do this as effectively.
if you keep a sharp eye out you can get free premium accounts (totally legit) for 3-6 and 12 months. you will have to be quick though as these offers last less than 24 hours and only appear 1-2 times a month. does it matter which cyberghost link i use?. NO, it doesnt matter what language you see the offer in (mine was in russian) the keys work regardless of your location... why should i use cyberghost... it stops websites/governments tracking you. if you regularly download from the channels (rtmp record there streams) you will want to use a vpn. why? because most sites have a time restriction on viewing the streams. if your using rtmp your bypassing this limitation and the sites dont want you doing that as they want you on the site so they can advertise to you. if your ripping cam streams (yeah some guys do) you will want to hide your ass, as this is classed as hacking and carries some very stiff penalties (especially in the uk and u.s) is there anything negative about using a vpn... yes. a lot of them have limited and in some cases very limited data caps and speed restrictions (typically about a gig for the month and limited to about 1mbps). cyberghost does have usage restrictions but there way more generous than most (395gig a month) and no line speed cap (i have a 50 mbps line and i get 50mbps most of the time (varies with the amount of other connections to the server) btw OP. you can bypass most government restrictions very easily with opera browser. it has a turbo mode which redirects all your traffic through operas network so all your ip sees is you connecting to the opera server after that your pretty much anon unless your isp is also blocking at dns level (not many do as its to expensive to maintain). i use it to access piratebay and other sites that the uk gov blocked. |
ieman wrote:Downlod from is great... if you have a premium account ![]() ![]() I bought 48h access and works very good Impressive download speed |
Post: #7 Last edited: 02.11.2014, 12:46 02.11.2014, 12:44 Re: How to download with if you are in Italyieman wrote:Downlod from Just change the DNS that drains well. From Italy, many files are blocked Hosting or make an account to Debrid Italian scrichi 2 euros for 70 days with a lot of file hosting premium including upluadet, claimed only that, but you do not understand the needs of those who post, do not like to go to another forum . In Italiano cosi i miei paesani capiranno bene senza che ci siano errori di traduzione. Basta che cambi i DNS che scarichi benissimo. Dall'Italia tantissimi File Hosting sono bloccati oppure fai un account a Debrid Italia con 2 euri scrichi per 70 giorni premium con tantissimi file hosting tra cui upluadet, reclamate solo, ma non capite le necessita di chi posta, non vi piace andate in altro forum. |
Downlod from
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Not a peculiar italian problem, uploaded allows to download files so big only to premium users, so every free user can't do, wherever he is.
gaggio76 wrote:Io lo ho installato ma una volta fatto come nella guida non mi carica più nessuna pagina e addirittura firefox si bloccafirst of all the forum language is english ![]() secondly try to use dns jumper it works fine |
Io lo ho installato ma una volta fatto come nella guida non mi carica più nessuna pagina e addirittura firefox si blocca
Post: #2 Last edited: 01.12.2013, 04:41 01.12.2013, 04:39 Re: Problemi con Uploaded e Rapidhsare? ecco la guida definitiva /
OK , but what comes next ?? Microsoft, Google and Youtube
Read this well and look further : [hidden link - please register] schubert |
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