suggestion for this forum: private message

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19.03.2009, 20:20

suggestion for this forum: private message

After beeing nearly one year member of this forum i have a suggestion for this forum.

after watching some topics ending in a 1:1 discussion between 2 members i got the idea for introducing the "private message" in this forum.

Some here have a 1:1 discussion but won't really share e-mail adresses or im-contacts for have a discussion out of this place. And maybe there are things to be said which should not become public to all reading here. A block function ables to block contacts which write to much messages or 'cause of other reasons.

Would be nice to get a statement from the admins and the opinion from other members here.

20.03.2009, 21:41

Re: suggestion for this forum: private message

@ghost: I don't use blocking lists and you're welcome like everybody else

19.03.2009, 21:49

Re: suggestion for this forum: private message

That would be a great idea. Of course if this was technically possible and if Mr. Pink would like it.

19.03.2009, 21:33

Re: suggestion for this forum: private message

Suggestions for improving the enjoyment of this site for everyone are always welcome.

19.03.2009, 20:32

Re: suggestion for this forum: private message

Good idea. Like it. And sending non public messages would really make you a ghost writer ;-)

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