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Edit: this post appears in the ETV forum. If you want to make further comments about it then post them here: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok citizens. We will give this one more try (But foul this one up and it could be your last). This topic, as its name suggests is a general discussion topic. It is for ETV and ONLY ETV. Any posts that do not concern this channel will be removed from the topic. So do not even think about writing here that channel XYZ is bettter than this. Or even tonight I will be watching.... or any similar posts. They will all be deleted. And meaningless, idle posts about the model line-up for the evening are also not welcome. Mr Pink has already said this more than once. If you do not like what you see then just change channel but do not complain here. Such complaints add nothing to this forum. Complain, if you must, direct to the tv. I am sure that they will be more than happy to read them. So all such posts will also be deleted. The topic is, as always, intended for posts that cannot be placed in the topics that already exist. So if you want to say something about a particualr model there should already be a topic about her. So, please try and keep to these simple guidelines. Thank you ! _________________________________________________________________- |
This topic has been closed.
@arthurab Read the rules. Again. A moderator does not have to explain why a post is deleted. And you have just broken one by bringing back the deleted post. Warning. Do it again and you are out. |
@DB and the scales fall from my eyes... And here I was finally making use of my philosophy degree! My parents would be so proud!! :)
@robert No point in trying to debate with arthurab (you can probably guess who he was in a previous life on this forum. it isnot that difficult to work out even without the clues given by the mod) as only he is ever right. 'Polite' that has to be the funniest thing since he caught his gonads climbing over the jailhouse wall. "But I know very well that they read here, and write here. " Now he surely does not mean me ? Well since rockabye made a confession the other day, I feel it only right and proper that I do likewise. It is true, I do work for ETV. My role is one of great importance. I am the SMS operative. No, no. I am not responsible for the words written on the plasmas. That is much to difficult for one as simple as me. SMS stands for Smell My Soles. In these days of Elf and Sanity I must check each and every model that they feet smell sweet so that when all these real SMSs arrive and they show them to the world their colleagues do not faint with the pong. And talking of pongs. I had hope he emptied the crap bucket before he left. Seems he is still carrying a lot of it with him. |
Robert, I will do the same you do, so this will be my last reply about this argument. I can speak only for myself: if my view about what I see,speaking about something general, not only TV, never varies, it can be due only to one reason: the variables changing have not a positive effect on the final result. As regard me: I have no hope to influence the TV, I just claim the right to say what I think (in a polite way) when i consider to be opportune to do. If Etv does not believe what is written in this forum, then there is no problem for them. But I know very well that they read here, and write here. Finally, about the censorship bit: [[ [hidden link - please register] ]] These are the words of a 'teacher' : [[I am sure that any mail originating from this site goes straight to the trash can. They do filter mail. I have written from various accounts but only one is replied to. And if they see a strange account then they might out of curiousity take a quick look but as soon as they see it from a viewer it will be binned. You have more chance, and that is small, of your ideas being read directly from here.]]
@ arthurab |
@Kolokotronis |
Where is the right forum to speak free? |
Wrong forum ! |
Why you deleate my post? |
Robert, my opinion is completely different. In this world there are things of 2 categories: in the first category we have things that are always the same, day after day. The affirmation 'red is a colour' is an example of this category, because red is a colour today, tomorrow,.., always. In the second category we have things that are different in different time-frames: the affirmation 'the sun shines' can be right now, but it could be wrong tomorrow. The Talking Heads words 'Say something once why say it again?' are appropriate only for the first category. Imagine: now you say 'the sun shines'. Tomorrow, maybe, it will rain, the your words will have no more meaning. A Tv broadcasting liveshows belongs to the second category, because every liveshow is different from the previous and from the following for many aspects: girls, camerawork, directors, lights,... Then, in my opinion, Talking Heads words have absolutely no sense in this case. Just an example: do you remember how many night we see thta stupid red-light which makes a show bad even if the content could be not so bad ? According your point of view we could make a comment about this only the first night, then ETV could continue every night with that horrible red-light without any negative comment. I dont think its good way to face an argument. The same as regard other subjects, like model line-up for the night, models behaviour to not fulfill the requests of people who pays, directors, video-mixer and camermen who operate in a way that you cant see what you pay for, and so on. Since every show is a different show, then every show must be judged for itself, and if I see 30 bad shows in a month, i have the right to say 30 times that they are bad, because 30 times (or better 29) they could change but they di not change. Sorry, but the original post of the moderator, saying: [[ If you do not like what you see then just change channel but do not complain here. Such complaints add nothing to this forum. Complain, if you must, direct to the tv. I am sure that they will be more than happy to read them. So all such posts will also be deleted. ]] is a form of censorship, for the reasons I just explained. And all this has nothing to do with 2006. Moreover it was said, in the past (I read many of the past posts) that ETV staff does not read mails and the only way to communicate with them is to write in this forum. Then also this point of the original OldGrizzlys post can not be accepted. As regard 'cospiracy theories', an old ex-member already explained very well that no 'conspiracy theories' can exist when no official theory does exist (maybe it was the reason that caused the ban of that member...).--- Finally: i'm happy to see, reading the original topic in the eUrotic section,that through this debate, the moderators, even without explicit admission, have understood that their initial view about the content of the topic was too much strict.
Maybe I know some people who might do it. :)))))))
maybe it is because you cannot give thanks to yourself. |
Shaky, neither I have the thank you in that topic. Maybe this was just a bug.