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Post: #18 Last edited: 28.10.2009, 00:57 28.10.2009, 00:55 Re: comments re Eurotic TV - General Discussion<< now everyone has a thank you beneath his post ! >> I wonder why i haven't got that at any post i wrote ?? Any explenation about this OldGrizzly ,Mr.Pink or somebody els ? Or am i doïng something wrong at this forum and you don't want to see a post/comment from me :) ? Kind Regards Shaky |
@ OldGrizzly and Mr.Pink and ................?? Isn't it better , that we know WHO are MOD's here ?? Then we know who is responible for this all. If i read only this thread , you can say ALL are MODs !! Sure , now everyone has a thank you beneath his post !That will be a beautiful colorised thread . I have the feeling , that there are more posters , who write here , are also mod's ! Have you seen the length of the Forum-threads now ?? This is NOT the solution , sorry ! 40 Girls are 40 threads !!! That has to be lesser ,or?? That was what you wanted ????? Thanks |
At the risk of extending this post for longer than it needs can I say this. |
The original version of the topic has been restored in eUrotic section. That topic, the way is intended in the original post, has no meaning and its against the spirit of this forum,for the reasons I explained.Then its better that topic remains empty, without any post. Thats what every member should do.Good night!
>>Maybe I could write here even that some girls from UK have to pay Gia handbra royalties. :))))<< But if you write that the copies are niecer to watch than the etv originals you will have to choose another thread. This is the short step from "even" to strange. |
Guys, just a moment, you could find just in this topic a joke from me about Marayah and her fake lips. So, critics (of course fair and polite) and jokes are allowed here. Many posts were quite off topic (even from me, it was the last one talking about some problems with rapidshare). So, if someone wanted to comment about a show, this is the right place. Lia has a nice outfit? This is the right place. Show was boring? This is the right place. Talking about football, other channels, and other stuff, maybe this isn't the right place. Maybe I could write here even that some girls from UK have to pay Gia handbra royalties. :))))
To all memebers. If you feel you MUST continue this discussion then do so in the general/off topic forum. This debate has already served to defeat the purpose of the topic. Let me emphasise just this once. We do not want to discourage posting. Valid criticism is fine. But there is also a fine line between abuse (not allowed) and criticism. We trust you can understand this. |
Suppose that, tomorrow morning, I want to make a review of the show of this night. What should i do ? Should i enter every single girls topic, making 7 different posts ? And if i want to say some words about the cameramen, the directors, the video-mixer, the lights, where can i make these comments, if they are not positive ? Should i open new topics for this ? But then you would see the numbers of open topics growing, and thats what you dont want. And about the posts about the model line-up for the night: at first you say they are not welcome, then they must be posted in the chat, like something that must be secret, finally that they are welcome. Its difficult to understand these 3 different views! In the section of this forum about sexysattv channel we can find the topic: [[ [hidden link - please register] ]] Sexysattv, for example, is very often criticized, and the posts are full of complaints. Why cant this be done for Etv (also considering the great number of models of Etv) ? About complaints: consider a man who is driving a car at 300 Km/h. Its raining and he cant see very well the road. He is listening music in his car. From the outside many people try to tell him: stop! stop! you are going against a wall! Do you think its clever to shut the mouth of that people? Another idea could be to create different topics in the liveshows section, named: review and criticism of the morning show, review and criticism of the evening show, review and criticism of the night show. The only thing that a member should do is to choose the right topic, specifying, at the beginning of his post, the date of the show he wants to speak about (just in case he makes his comment some days later the date of the show). My advice for you, moderators, is to reflect about these points, because I think if you want to kill this forum you are on the right way, and telling some members that you dont need them its not a very clever way to attract new members who could have good ideas.
@arthurab Since you are on day release from your present home allow me to reply just this once. I fail to see, where in any of the posts from the moderators in this topic, constructive criticism of the tv is not allowed here. It has been made perfectly clear what will not be allowed. So do not try to twist our words. Have a nice day. Hope you stay for more than one this time. |
Post: #9 Last edited: 27.10.2009, 20:42 27.10.2009, 20:36 Re: comments re Eurotic TV - General Discussion
Then whats the purpose of this topic of general discussion ? To speak about the color of girls hairs ? or the model of their shoes? Or to make only compliments to the models? Then i think its more meaningless than to speak about positive or negative features of a show, which can not be judged in his complexity making single posts in models topics.
Just to make an example: do you know any sport newspaper where you can read about a football team, but you can find only compliments for every player while the writer cant write a review about the last match (i.e. if players did or not a good team-work, if their schemes were good, if their â |
@OG and Mr Pink I remember that an another channel wrote you to ask to publish only positive comments. (just 6 months ago)
Post: #7 Last edited: 27.10.2009, 20:33 27.10.2009, 20:30 Re: comments re Eurotic TV - General Discussion
Glassy is completely right! I confess that i don't understand the posts of the moderators. For this reason i ask them for a clear explanation. Etv is a channel with about 40 models and broadcasts 24/24. In the night, for example, we can watch 7 models. Then Etv can not be treated like other channels, like UK channels, where you see one single girl on your screen, and which broadcasts few hours a day. You, moderators, open this topic for 'general discussion' about this channel, and it's right. But you affirm that you don't want to read complaints here, because such complaints add nothing to this forum. Sorry moderators: is it not the original purpose of this forum to speak about liveshows channels? In the homepage of this site I read: [[This site is a an independent website designed to inform users about the good and bad things about current liveshow channels.]] [[More importantly, there is a discussion board where you can have your say. Your comments, favourable or not, are welcome.]] But i see that your posts in this new topic are in total opposition of what i read in the Homepage. Why ? Let's consider the show of next night: we will see 7 girls, but we must also consider the cameramen, the directors, the lights. Your guidelines are a censorship on freedom of speech: if we like the show we can write here, but if we don't like we cannot write! Then whatâ
@Glassy Thank you for your post. It is not the intention to suppress all discussion. The problem is that certain members have absolutely nothing to say than post idle complaints that add nothing. They know who they are. If you, or any other member, has a constructive comment about any aspect of the tv - and that is what our rules state - including the nightly line-up then you are most welcome to post. As for the ones I refer to, if they choose not to post anymore then they will not be missed. |
Hi oldGrizzly--I hear what you are saying about silly posts being written that have nothing to do with the channel--eg. football etc. But surely after the start of a show in which members wish to write about their displeasure at what they see must surely be regarded as "general discussion". The whole idea of a section like this was to air views which are nothing more than idle chit chat about the channel. The posts keep an interest going in the forum and lead on to other posts in the required sections eg video requests. To To curtail this type of general chit chat among members leads to searching all over the place to see if any member has left any witty comment or complaint about a show. If I wanted to find out how other members thought about last nights show or found out if anything decent took place you were able to find out this information in one section. Now if I want to find out how all the models performed or did a sexy show I will have to look at each individual models section to see if she got any comments about her performance. You say you dont have to read a post if you dont want to --well the same applies to the general discussion post would it not. Nobody forces anybody to read complaints about the model line up that night if they dont want to !A general discussion section should be a section where members can vent their views and comments which may cover several topics in one post. Now-- if I want to bring up several topics they are gonna be spread over several sections in the forum. The general discussion page can be witty and funny at times and I know it takes all kinds to make a world. I know some members used it to comment about football or make rude remarks about other members. Yes--put a stop to that kind of abuse but saying we cant comment on a model line up is going too far. Like the channel --this forum will be used less and be less entertaining having a general discussion section where the the discussion is limited. I"m gone. |
Post: #4 Last edited: 27.10.2009, 03:00 27.10.2009, 02:58 Re: comments re Eurotic TV - General DiscussionThere is Maria on screen, is she the german mod tonight? Or is she directing the show? |