brudgon's Forum Achievements

3.29 (7 rating(s))

(3.29 / 5, 7 ratings)

Author Posts

24.08.2011, 15:28

brudgon's Forum Achievements

As some know i'm not a fan of others starting threads off about me Confused but i decided that brudgon deserves one as he as just past 20 Reps, which sadly could go down at any time Sad but can also go up Smile

But there is one more reason for this thread, in the next day or so (maybe tonight) he will reach 1000 posts also Smile

This is not saying spamming is good as brudgon knows some of his posts have been deleted in the past, so probably past 1000 last month Tongue

Anyway i thought it time he had his own thread as he has started threads for others.

He as done this through being polite and always understands if there as been something wrong about his post.

So congratulations to brudgon on these 2 landmarks Smile

23.04.2013, 00:41

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

... errrhh ??

[hidden link - please register]

or did I miss the call ?

22.04.2013, 21:46

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

many many thanks guysThumb upBig Grin
....i know my posts sometimes are too much and with poor qualityConfused
....but this is a proove i like this forum and all his sessionsBig Grin
anyway you will see brudgon for a long time logged hereBig GrinTongue
thanks guys

22.04.2013, 00:30

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

Wow...congrats, brudgon ! Thumb up
Quite an achievement...given my current number of posts, I shall reach 8000 by the year 2086. Tongue

22.04.2013, 00:23

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

[hidden link - please register]

... and counting

keep going Thumb up

13.05.2012, 23:39

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

[hidden link - please register]
thanks to all members and in particular thanks to all mods allowed my 99% of stupid postsSmileBlush

06.05.2012, 21:56

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

Happy birthday to a lad who knew how to show an opened spirit, and with whom the exchange is always possible, even if we still cannot all right.
Happy birthday for one great guy.
Personal thanks Mr Brudgon to be what you are.

06.05.2012, 19:55

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

Happy Birthday from me too.
Have a nice day and enjoy your life.

06.05.2012, 19:07

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

As usual I am too late Smile....But It's never too late to join the party

Happy birthday to our dear Friend brudgon...thank you for being the special friend that you are ...

[hidden link - please register]

06.05.2012, 13:10

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

Happy Birthday brudgon !!! I wish brudgon a ......oooh f*ck...i was going to write like i do for a model Confused Big Grin..but brudgon is not a model Blush Cool Big Grin. So brudgon i wish you a day to enjoy,have some fun ,some presents/gifts, a nice cake to eat ,i wish you friends who are good to you and for you , a bright future ,but most of all i wish you a life with a very good health !!! Oooh and about getting old ? Naaaaah...your only that old that you want to be ...the outside may look old ...but it's the innerside that counts ....and i'm sure inside your still a young man Cool Thumb up. One more thing brudgon...stay the person that you are because I/we like you just the way that you are Thumb up !

Kind Regards

Ps : Hope you like Champange and chocolate cake Blush Tongue

[hidden image - please register]

[hidden image - please register]

06.05.2012, 13:07

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

Happy Birthday brudgon,
stay the nice, funny and sometimes bit strange (in a positive way) guy you are,
enjoy your day and may all your wishes come trueSmile

06.05.2012, 11:58

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

Happy birthday brudgon! Stay healthy, I wish you all the best and no gray hairs Tongue

06.05.2012, 10:35

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

Happy birthday, friend brudgon.
As the friends you already have them, especially I wish you very good health.

06.05.2012, 06:44

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

Happy Birthday and have a great day

06.05.2012, 00:03

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

well, happy birthday bruddy. all the best for the next year and some further achievements.
