brudgon's Forum Achievements

3.29 (7 rating(s))

(3.29 / 5, 7 ratings)

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18.09.2011, 20:01

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

Brudgon Congratulations!
40 rep !!! - evidence for a really good job I think ! Thumb up
I know your home is Gia's thread like me Smile
I think you a figurehead and the working bee for us and I am proud to be a friend because we have nearly 100% the same opinions !
Brother, Keep it up and torture your keyboard in future like in the past ! Thumb up Big Grin

18.09.2011, 19:56

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

Congratulations for his 40 reputations.
I am sure that you will have many more.

18.09.2011, 19:34

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

My compliments to Mr. brudgon - 40 reputations now! Thumb up

25.08.2011, 22:24

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

this is my 1000th post and i want to dedicate to all of you mods/memberBig Grin
is one year that i'm logged here and i found many many great friendly guys that share videos...opinions....discussions...complaints.....tastes...threads and many many things about liveshow channels....i must thanked all of you one o one because when i'm connect here i pass a very great night with all of youThumb upBig Grin
so thanks a lot for make happy my nightsBig GrinThumb up

a very very great special thank to DAZAMANThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb up

excuse my englishCry

24.08.2011, 23:33

Re: brudgon's Forum Achievements

i'm very blind tonight....i just see my own thread posted by sir dazamanThumb up
thank you very much for thisBig GrinThumb up i'm very very very happy for thisBig Grin
what else say? i like that you daz reputate me like good guy and obviously many thanks to all members logged hereThumb up