Yet another one

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16.12.2009, 00:31

Yet another one

I'm off too.

It's been fun for some time, but lately not as much as it could have been.

Well, I guess a few of you had a good laugh with me!

So long kids. Get a life, and then try to keep it.

16.12.2009, 09:05

Re: Yet another one

I shall remember you by the early morning fun post not so long ago, as expected removed by OG.

I have a life thanks, as for keeping it that is a another issue.
Don't lose your sense of humour that is one of the most important things of all.

bye Ticky no doubt for you a wise move.

16.12.2009, 07:49

Re: Yet another one

ticky wrote:I'm off too.

It's been fun for some time, but lately not as much as it could have been.

Well, I guess a few of you had a good laugh with me!

So long kids. Get a life, and then try to keep it.

Ahhhh, not you too Ticky? I always enjoyed your choice in debauchery! It was very much like my own. Just when things are getting worse, the best leave. Take care!

16.12.2009, 00:37

Re: Yet another one

Now they are falling like leaves in the autem ...
Hey, how could you leave when the worst is yet to come?
My best wishes, sorry to see all of you leaving.
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