The years pass.......

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12.07.2013, 22:43

The years pass.......

Joined: 12.07.2009
Joined: 12.07.2010
Joined: 12.07.2010

15.08.2015, 23:53

Re: The years pass.......

Dear brudgon
congratulations for 5 years here.
thanks because you are the first who give my first reputation,
and i think for many others members

15.08.2015, 19:46

Re: The years pass.......

Congratulations on 5 years brudgon, also the contribution made is, well, a lot Blush

Thanks again for making the forum entertaining and worth coming too Cool

15.08.2015, 13:28

Re: The years pass.......

Smile Smile

Congratulations dear brudgon !!!

[hidden image - please register]

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15.08.2015, 13:11

Re: The years pass.......

Please add my congratulations tooSmileSmile
my Friend a milestone indeed! keep going!!Thumb up
Cheers Mate!...Alan....

15.08.2015, 13:07

Re: The years pass.......

[hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register]

My best congratulations. Thumb up
For this anniversary is suitable cognac 5 years old. Smile

15.08.2015, 12:47

Re: The years pass.......

brudgon wrote:my 5 year in the forumSmile

[hidden image - please register]

Keep going brudgon. Thumb up

15.08.2015, 12:08

Re: The years pass.......

Congratulations, brudgon Thumb upThumb upThumb up

[hidden link - please register]

15.08.2015, 11:50

Re: The years pass.......

Congratulation from me, brudgon my friend.


15.08.2015, 10:58

Re: The years pass.......

my 5 year in the forumSmile

26.01.2015, 11:41

Re: The years pass.......

My post count of recent times might be down but, after 5 years that have all been a pleasure and i'm glad to be a member of a forum that covers countries that i've never visited. Had arguments with both sides not knowing what we was arguing over (thanks google translator Big Grin ) but in this time i've talked to many and it's been a pleasure and i certainly could be here another 5 years.

Thank you to the good people on LSTV who keep me coming back Smile

25.09.2014, 19:12

Re: The years pass.......

kyke50 wrote:Today four years that I came into this forum does.
I want to thank you all for what you have always behaved to me: members, moderators and administrator.
It has been four years in which I have tried to show as I am.
Here I found friends and fun.
Thank you for putting up with.

They say time goes quick when your enjoying yourself, i hope thats how it went kyke, also mods never needed to contact you for anything due to, i don't think you know a bad thing that needed our attention Smile

25.09.2014, 18:34

Re: The years pass.......

Today four years that I came into this forum does.
I want to thank you all for what you have always behaved to me: members, moderators and administrator.
It has been four years in which I have tried to show as I am.
Here I found friends and fun.
Thank you for putting up with.

15.08.2014, 05:13

Re: The years pass.......

Joined: 15.08.2010
Big GrinCoolIn love my fourth year in the forum

16.03.2014, 12:33

Re: The years pass.......

Joined: 16.03.2013