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Joker1305 wrote:aceman65 wrote:...OK, besides the possibilities of work arounds, but then a click doesn't mean "Thanks", but "I want to download the video". Personally, I think you are right. I think that system is just a counter rather than a thank you. I'm quite happy with the way this forum has it now. You have to be a logged in member to see the download links as it stands now. The thank you button is there to use only if you wish to. It's your choice. With the other system, your freedom of choice is taken away, so I don't particularly agree with it. I was just responding to the question: "Is it possible". I was not endorsing the idea. |
I don't downloading any videos from this forum
because the models i like such as Gia, Scarlet, Roshana, Mashiara and many more.. i recorded by myself and that's enough for me. The only videos i would download are videos from Brona ![]() but many of her videos i already know or i recorded it by myself because i know her since her beginning. ![]() If i download a video i press always the thanks button no matter if the video is good or bad I think the video maker deserve a thank for his work hope my englisch is not so bad ![]() |
This discussion has gone back and forth and round and round many times.
'Joker' sums it up well below. The button is there to offer thanks or to show appreciation whether it be for for the written post or the video. Speaking personally, I do not post to get thanked, in fact quite the opposite at times ![]() Similarly, I posted videos in the past just for the fun of it. We have to accept that some will offer their appreciation and others will not. As long as we are happy with what we say and do, that should be satisfaction enough. dazaman wrote:Watcher wrote:The question then becomes what is the 'Thank' button for? I stopped because I was not happy with the quality of the videos I produced and never watched what I had already recorded. |
aceman65 wrote:...OK, besides the possibilities of work arounds, but then a click doesn't mean "Thanks", but "I want to download the video". So it's just an additional download counter which I also don't need, my Filehosts already have one. As long as the number of "Thanks" doesn't go down close to zero it's fine for me, basically I'm doing the videos for myself and share them here, so as long as some people appreciate this I will continue sharing them. Regards Joker |
aceman65 wrote:since first day i logged here i support this download sistem.....and i still hopekyke50 wrote:@watcher, ![]() |
kyke50 wrote:@watcher, Actually, it is possible. ![]() ![]() |
Honestly I don't press all the thanks button for all the videos makers ....Simply because I don't download all the vids .
However I have never downloaded any vid without clicking the Thanks button ...Just to appreciate the efforts of the vids maker No matter whom he is . But I wonder how the case would be if this forum not for free ....or there is no place for the fair discussion here ...or you first have to pay to register ....then you have only just a limited numbers of vids to download ....and you have to pay more if you want to download more than the limited number . And that's makes me wonders ....since when we appreciate anything is available .....we never feels what is between our hands . For this I am all for the suggestion to make it compulsory to download any vid to press the thanks button . ....It's not a shame to push the people to appreciate the others efforts through the slightest efforts they can ever do ...pressing the thanks button . |
I refer that only touching the button of thank you, would have access to the linkage to unload the video. I do not know if that is possible; I am not technical in these topics. (as you can see) |
Watcher wrote:The question then becomes what is the 'Thank' button for? I'm certainly not in favour of making anyone press the button has it would be forced ![]() |
Perhaps the people are afraid to buy a washing machine, if they would press the thanks/like-button...
![]() |
kyke50 wrote:dazaman wrote:You guys are the best The question then becomes what is the 'Thank' button for? If you make it 'Click to Download' or an automatic 'Thank' when the link is clicked, it just becomes an inaccurate download counter. The downloader couldn't give a shit, just as before. One answer, but it would require a lot of storage, would be to log the Downloaders and the Thankers and bar persistent non-Thankers from downloading ... but would it be worth the effort? |
dazaman wrote:You guys are the best You're right, dazaman It is incomprehensible and it angers very much, that there are the people who has no respect to the big work that the videomakers do. so difficult is it to touch the button of thank you?. For the fault of these persons, others that yes that we are grateful for the altruistic effort of these members, we will turn out to be forbidden of these videos. It is not fair, but yes that is understandable that the videomakers, take a decision that nobody wishes. It is possible make the download of a video, only if you press the button of thanks? Could be a solution. |
You guys are the best
![]() ![]() I have said in the past, take the piss and you WILL LOSE video up loaders ![]() ![]() |