Over 20 reputations

3.76 (17 rating(s))

(3.76 / 5, 17 ratings)

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19.03.2014, 22:40

Re: Over 20 reputations

Uff...very belated congrats to you Dackel (and welcome to the "silly-names-club" btw Big Grin ) !!!
That is so much deserved...I have been INHALING your technical lectures. Blush
And thanks for your videos, too...I know you have always been willing to go the extra mile to make them perfect. Thumb upThumb upThumb up

A big congrats also to you schubert. Who needs twats like myself? Envy...we need more gentlemen like you here. SmileThumb up

14.03.2014, 21:09

Re: Over 20 reputations

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11.03.2014, 17:00

Re: Over 20 reputations

Thanks to you all , sure them from our threads

I am very happy with ALL you wrote about me ,therefore a song ,I like very much :
Don Williams - You're my best friend 1982

And for the ones who are married , think of this : there is only ONE woman In love
Not these
Rose von Südtirol

They look beautiful , but you have chosen the ONE .


11.03.2014, 10:34

Re: Over 20 reputations

Hi, schubert

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11.03.2014, 01:59

Re: Over 20 reputations


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: ... Keep going on ! Thumb up

11.03.2014, 00:27

Re: Over 20 reputations

Gongratulations schubert for 30 rep.
You deserve this. I mean it.
Great work in this site. I wish you more reputationsSmileSmileSmile
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11.03.2014, 00:25

Re: Over 20 reputations

[hidden link - please register]
[hidden link - please register]
Congrats! Smile

10.03.2014, 15:14

Re: Over 20 reputations

I am very glad to be able to congratulate to schubert, for his first 30 reputations.
For his contributions to the forum and his kind and respectful character, I believe that he should have many more.
Congratulations, friend schubert.Thumb up

10.03.2014, 14:04

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulations schubert, always nice and friendly guy!!!

10.03.2014, 13:47

Re: Over 20 reputations

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09.03.2014, 22:11

Re: Over 20 reputations

Thank you brudgon, thank you genya and didymos.f6! Thanks a lot for your efforts and your nice words! I really appreciate it

"Hut"? Ah, I see your german is improving... Big Grin
As you know I prefer blue hats, but red hats are also fine and just in case nobody knows what we are talking about: [hidden link - please register] and here's something to think about: [hidden link - please register] Sorry, I couldn't resist... Big Grin

I guess now is a good time for some maybe not so good infos and one of the reasons why I'm mentioning Fedora here is that I have made a decision in the last days. For various reasons I've decided that it is time to give something back to the open source-community. I have the opportunity & ability to do that and to add something with real value, help to make my favourite Linux-distribution a little bit better (hopefully) and first of all to keep the software-packages up to date. I did that years ago and I know and remember how time-consuming it is and how difficult it can be sometimes. It will occupy most of my free time, especially in the first months. That means there will be not much time left to create videos, so my contributions as a "videomaker" will be much smaller from next month on. Thank you for your understanding!

To say it clearly: That's not a "final goodbye" I promise to visit the forum from time to time and I'll share some hopefully nice videos of my favourite girls now and then. It's a great place with great people here and I would even consider a few of them as friends now. So far it was an interesting experience here and mostly fun. Included also some disappointments but I've always enjoyed it being a very, very small part of this special community here and I can't thank you enough for that! A big, big thanks to Mauro, maximmus and all the other mods - they're doing an incredibly fantastic job here.
Thumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb up

A special thanks to didymos.f6, ebhfiohg, K.HarperSe7en, misterG, Robert0124, Dreamlander, Buccaneer, kyke50, Rune70, LeahLuv, shaky-shumi, genya, vector, zxccxz30, Williamsinclair, yaznee, mic1205, schubert, Joker1305, oklahoma001, Tarl_Cabot, Freddy, aceman65, Slowfox, zxcv, Cpe, Johnnymo, eagle_si, vogue, momi, quiquems, maximmus, brudgon, nighthawk, hansdampf1984, vehemencia, JuFan, GenaroXP, eigentor, dazaman & Mauro for all the nice words and compliments in my profile. Thank you very much!

09.03.2014, 21:42

Re: Over 20 reputations

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09.03.2014, 19:16

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulations to Dackel0401!

You reached the 40 Thumb up ( 41 Big Grin Smile ). So here is the time a little celebrating.
Thanks for your work as a videomaker. Unfortunately i cannot give anything for the members like you are.
I can not shake your hands ( and i don not wear hut Big Grin ), but i can give you all of my respect.
So all of my respect for the videomakers and members like you are. This is just the only one thing what i can
"pay" for your works. Thanks that you share your experince with others.
Thanks for your advices. Thanks that you sacrificing your precoius free time if i have got a problem or question
( and doesn't matter how silly or stupid my question ).
Those people who are enough kind that share own experince with the other people,
they are usually able to forming / improving the other people mind. This is really rarely.
And You are one of them.Thanks for your "gifts". I hope one day i can give you something precious for you....
.....but until then i can give you just a simple picture.
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PS.:Sorry for the style but i made this post really quick and my original plane was a much more interesting Blush.

09.03.2014, 18:58

Re: Over 20 reputations

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21.02.2014, 19:22

Re: Over 20 reputations

[hidden link - please register]
Congrats! Smile
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