Over 20 reputations

3.76 (17 rating(s))

(3.76 / 5, 17 ratings)

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Author Posts

26.08.2013, 07:09

Re: Over 20 reputations

[hidden image - please register]

24.08.2013, 01:17

Re: Over 20 reputations

[hidden image - please register]

26.07.2013, 12:48

Re: Over 20 reputations

Heart Thank you guys!!! Big Grin

25.07.2013, 23:26

Re: Over 20 reputations

[hidden image - please register]
[hidden image - please register]

25.07.2013, 21:36


Another golden member crossed the line...Thumb upTongue

A torrid night to the readers Cool

25.07.2013, 15:51

Re: Over 20 reputations

brudgon wrote:nobody noticedCry
[hidden image - please register]
Big GrinThumb up

I don´t have that Special Intelligence Warning Detector System Service om my laptop Big Grin
So I didn´t notice it that fast but yeah: Welcome in the 40 Zone nighthawk.Thumb up
Keep flying- just keep flying!

24.07.2013, 23:09

Re: Over 20 reputations

nobody noticedCry
[hidden image - please register]
Big GrinThumb up

30.06.2013, 02:13

Re: Over 20 reputations

zxcv wrote:Sure 20 Rep for outside ....is too few to mention ...

But I am sure many will realize as soon as possible the value of this great asset in LSTV

Congratulation to the opposition leader in the LSTV .

Thank you and also Schubert.
But I don't consider myself as opposition leader. This is what most far is from me.

29.06.2013, 17:31

Re: Over 20 reputations

Sure 20 Rep for outside ....is too few to mention ...

But I am sure many will realize as soon as possible the value of this great asset in LSTV

Congratulation to the opposition leader in the LSTV .

27.06.2013, 15:08

Re: Over 20 reputations

Hi , outside .
Congratulations with your 20 reps ! Big Grin Post your comments and I will read it , as always

PS brudgon , didn't you see ??? CoolCool


09.06.2013, 19:38

Re: Over 20 reputations

Ah yes!!!! I forgot to to say about this last week Big Grin I was out on a big night out and it taken me about 4 days to recover lol

Cheers for all the reps guys much appreciated, hopefully more to come Tongue

Cheers Thumb up

04.06.2013, 11:00

Re: Over 20 reputations

Thanks all for the acknowledgement of my 20 reps. I have to say it does look good under my user name having a nice round number Smile
As for having more, it would be nice but I'm not going to dish out meaningless reps willy-nilly expecting one back, or beg for them like some people on other forums do :notcool:

04.06.2013, 10:30

Re: Over 20 reputations

Well done to the UK members who have reached milestones, but eagle_si 20? joint capper of the year Cool well done mate, yaznee as always a pleasure watching your vids Thumb up top videomaker Smile but again only 20 Confused both deserve more in my opinion Smile

Slowfox i'm sure you won't reach 30 as your too nice a guy for that to happen Smile

04.06.2013, 08:13

Re: Over 20 reputations

Wow, how many friends in only one place Big GrinBig Grin Of course, congratulations yaznee (late, sorry), slow and eagle_si....I agree, of course, with Vogue...a meeting is good idea...a beer meeting is better Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin I will pay the second Tongue Tongue Tongue

04.06.2013, 00:11

Re: Over 20 reputations

Slowfox wrote:thanks, see you again @ 30 Big Grin

Should arrange there a meeting then Tongue
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