Over 20 reputations

3.76 (17 rating(s))

(3.76 / 5, 17 ratings)

Author Posts

02.04.2012, 14:24

Re: Over 20 reputations

It`s just a good day!
Another nice guy joins the club of 30! Big Grin
Congratulations slowfox for your 30th rep!

02.04.2012, 14:01

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulations also from me to slowfox for your 30 reps! Big Grin
Thank you for all your great work for this forumBig GrinThumb up

02.04.2012, 13:57

Re: Over 20 reputations

[hidden link - please register]

Thanks Slowfox for a great job. Thanks also to my other friends bellerophon and nighthawk for their work here!

02.04.2012, 12:54

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulations also from me to bellerophon for your 30 reps! Big Grin
Thank you for all your great work for this forum!

02.04.2012, 12:48

Re: Over 20 reputations

you deserves for all your great work for this forumThumb up
hopes to see more and more againThumb upBig Grin
[hidden link - please register]

02.04.2012, 11:24

Re: Over 20 reputations

Happy 30 to nighthawk who's jokes thread as made me lol quite a few times. well deserved Thumb up

And yes go indeed Tarl, i know he does not like the reps system but as he was one of the early posters and Mod teacher to me, congratulations on 30 reps to bellerophon a good day as i consider both as friends Smile

02.04.2012, 06:33

Re: Over 20 reputations

go ;)

and he really deserves it for all the work he spent for this forum. Smile

01.04.2012, 23:11

Re: Over 20 reputations

Another one of the good guys reached to 30 Reps . Congratulation to Nighthawk , one of the best and skillful writer in our forum .

01.04.2012, 20:59

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulation nighthawk to 30 reputations! Big Grin
They are all well deserved for your good work!

01.04.2012, 20:52

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulations, nighthawk!!!! well deservedThumb up

01.04.2012, 20:46

Re: Over 20 reputations

Nothing to add. Thumb up 30 well deserved reps for a guy who never was unkind or unpolitely. Congratulations nighthawk! Smile

01.04.2012, 20:42

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulations, nighthawk
Your good posts, your amiability and your friendliness, do that you deserve these 30 reputations, and more.Thumb upThumb up

01.04.2012, 20:31

Re: Over 20 reputations

Big GrinThumb up
[hidden link - please register]
...all my sincerely compliments to mr nighthawk.....you deserves much more againBig GrinThumb up

20.03.2012, 20:30

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulations hansdampf1984 ! Wel diserved reps Thumb up

Kind Regards

20.03.2012, 02:02

Re: Over 20 reputations

Thank you all. For the 22 reps. We listen to each other Smile

Good Forum Thumb up Thumb up Thumb up
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