Over 20 reputations

3.76 (17 rating(s))

(3.76 / 5, 17 ratings)

Amateur models online
Author Posts

19.03.2012, 22:42

Re: Over 20 reputations

Of course, congratulations to hansdampf for your 22 reps! Thumb up

19.03.2012, 22:39

Re: Over 20 reputations

Hey Watcher,if you want or not,I congratulate you to 20 positive reputations! Cool
And thank you for 1600 good posts! Smile

ps: And sorry that you had to inform me for it... Confused

19.03.2012, 22:24

Re: Over 20 reputations

Hey! ... I've hit 20 ... on the way down Cry .

Perhaps someone could open an "Under 20 reputations" thread to celebrate my continued spiral into oblivion ... Cool

Just noticed that this is my 1600th post ... what a waste!

19.03.2012, 21:07

Re: Over 20 reputations

....a bit lateCry excuse meSadConfused
many compliments to hansdampf1984Thumb up
[hidden link - please register]

15.03.2012, 20:24

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulations to maximmus for going over the 20 reps Thumb up ,and congratulations zxcv for reaching the 30 reps, you guys diserve all these reps ,just stay the way you are and write the way you do because it's just " Thumb up "

Kind Regards

13.03.2012, 18:37

Re: Over 20 reputations

Well i missed maximmus's passing of 20 reps and i see he as gone to 22 and more than deserved congratulations i'm sure theres many more to come Smile

I have had many private discussions with zxcv so no surprise at seeing 30 but i hope many more reps for you also in the future Thumb up

12.03.2012, 09:37

Re: Over 20 reputations

Sincere congratulations to zxcv, one of the most original and elegant posters.
Many of us inspired by your comments, never dull, always rational and correct.
You deserve more reps.


11.03.2012, 23:09

Re: Over 20 reputations

Thanks so much for all the friends for these kind words . Thanks so much for every other fellow who gave me his vote , I am really grateful for giving me this chance to share with you all my thoughts .

Finally I must admit that writing in the live forum wasn't only in search of fun only . but also in search for a real inspiration for me at least .Thanks again for your support and your kind words and spirit .

11.03.2012, 21:09

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulation zxcv for 30 reps! Big Grin
You deserve everyone of them and many more for your good posts!

11.03.2012, 17:55

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulations, zxcv, for his 30 reputations.
His critiques are always respectful and with objectivity, that's why it has our recognition.

11.03.2012, 17:45

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulations on your 30 reputations, zxcv. Your always polite, honest but critical posts are very appreciated. Thumb upThumb up

11.03.2012, 17:44

Re: Over 20 reputations

[hidden link - please register]
nobody noticed?
my compliments to zxcv fo 30 reputations and for your work for this forumBig GrinThumb up

24.02.2012, 21:44

Re: Over 20 reputations

maximmus wrote:Thank you all for the reps and i will try to justify them

You already justify them with his good daily work.
Now it already has 21.

24.02.2012, 21:32

Re: Over 20 reputations

Congratulations, mate. May many reps follow! Thumb upThumb up

24.02.2012, 21:09

Re: Over 20 reputations

you not deserve 20 you must be at 100 reps for your great work in the forumBig Grin
i hope increase to muchThumb up my congratulations to maximmusThumb up