Our Videomakers

3.67 (12 rating(s))

(3.67 / 5, 12 ratings)

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23.05.2016, 21:27

Re: Our Videomakers

poki244 wrote:Can anyone upload the video in which she is outside with a soccer ball? This one: [hidden link - please register]

joseboy wrote:Looking for the full version if anyone could help.....

[hidden link - please register]

Right that's now 2 posts I've seen in the past few days on this forum referencing pornhub, this is beginning to annoy me seeing that the content on there was stolen from here, any members who request reuploads are walking a very fine line between an acceptable upload request to a downright are you fucking shitting me request.

I for one will not entertain any such request with these links, I'm sure more than me feels likewise Thumb down

21.05.2016, 23:00

Re: Our Videomakers

dazaman wrote:Hi SB. After checking the numbers of members for LSTV, you maybe surprised that the highest members country wise is the UK, the count is 38,576. The second highest is of course Germany with a total of 32,244.

Thanks dazaman for obtaining that statistic, I was indeed surprised to see that the UK came out on top Thumb up as I've said before this forum may not be as active as I'd like it to be but it more than makes up for this with the majority of uploads being of the highest of quality as another well known forum is swamped with thousands upon thousands of caps which makes it a challenge in itself trying to actually locate the actual upload.

Infact if I was still posting on that other forum I'd be calling into question once more the amount of caps that should be allowed to be posted, I'm glad that this forum has a limit so it definitely stops any would be cap flooders in their tracks hence the reason they post on that other place instead Lol Big Grin

Moving on I would like to say that the amount of reps each uploader has on this forum is not a true reflection on their contributions, some of them are even below 10 reps or under 20, quite frankly I find this astonishing. On the other forum which I used to post on my rep count was sitting on 232 before I decided to close my account down, the status may say otherwise but please let it be known that it was me that took the decision to close my account down and not the mods. They're just bitter and pissed off that I left so its sour grapes on their part that they feel the need to name and shame me after everything I contributed to that place.

Finally thanks to each and every uploader to this forum, if you like a video post don't just thank the post, perhaps consider giving the member a positive rep and in return his motivation to continue knocking out the goods will hopefully carry on Thumb up

21.05.2016, 21:42

Re: Our Videomakers

dazaman wrote:
Johnbirracchio wrote:Dear dazaman,
as mentioned the first two Nations to number of members enrolled in LSTV I'd appreciate it if you took me to know the number of subscribers in Italy.
With appreciation in your work for LSTV hail cordially.

HI John, the Italian count is 20,616 and is the third highest. I did the first two to highlight that it was not just Germany that are what most thought of being the highest Smile

Regards the hiding of the video link. This was discussed over three years ago and I was against it as it just gives false numbers. If someone likes then great Smile but if they don't want to press the button then they never go beyond a registered member and are first to get kicked off site, also they are off my xmas card list Smile The [hidden link - please register] the other option rather than. This proved very little and I doubt any other changes would make a difference. I would prefer 12 likes from friendly members than 112 from those who have to press the button to see the link.
I'm not counting it out but I don't think doing any changes will be the great leap forward for members to change their ways.

ok daz but for now and go on i think there are always less videomakers in the forum

21.05.2016, 21:35

Re: Our Videomakers

Johnbirracchio wrote:Dear dazaman,
as mentioned the first two Nations to number of members enrolled in LSTV I'd appreciate it if you took me to know the number of subscribers in Italy.
With appreciation in your work for LSTV hail cordially.

HI John, the Italian count is 20,616 and is the third highest. I did the first two to highlight that it was not just Germany that are what most thought of being the highest Smile

Regards the hiding of the video link. This was discussed over three years ago and I was against it as it just gives false numbers. If someone likes then great Smile but if they don't want to press the button then they never go beyond a registered member and are first to get kicked off site, also they are off my xmas card list Smile The [hidden link - please register] the other option rather than. This proved very little and I doubt any other changes would make a difference. I would prefer 12 likes from friendly members than 112 from those who have to press the button to see the link.
I'm not counting it out but I don't think doing any changes will be the great leap forward for members to change their ways.

21.05.2016, 19:16

Re: Our Videomakers

Slowfox wrote:All fair enough what I read below, however, what I believe will happen, is that a good part of the people will move on to other forums not bothering themselves anymore with any download. Eventually you will receive the required likes to make the d/l link visible thus in best case likes match the downloads, but downloads will substantially decrease. In the end the likes will be pretty much the same as presently, but downloads will be far less not being worth the effort to create movies anymore.

Don't get me wrong. Am not against trying to find a mechanism to appreciate at least the time spent for creating and uploading movies, but then you cannot force people and eventually people will bugger off when being asked for kind of payment.

This may in the end have an undesired cascading effect on the entire forum with less visits and even less discussion, because even the leeching lamers once in a while have to say something.

you are right for less visit or less discussion in the forum but i also think the forum don't need people tha never post a comment never press the like button but do many many download here and maybe stole the links here for post them in others forums/sites
i don't do video for money so i don't care about less download i only care for my work about the videos and i only care for if you/they want my videos press the thanks button contrary you will not have my videos

of course is my POV

21.05.2016, 18:39

Re: Our Videomakers

All fair enough what I read below, however, what I believe will happen, is that a good part of the people will move on to other forums not bothering themselves anymore with any download. Eventually you will receive the required likes to make the d/l link visible thus in best case likes match the downloads, but downloads will substantially decrease. In the end the likes will be pretty much the same as presently, but downloads will be far less not being worth the effort to create movies anymore.

Don't get me wrong. Am not against trying to find a mechanism to appreciate at least the time spent for creating and uploading movies, but then you cannot force people and eventually people will bugger off when being asked for kind of payment.

This may in the end have an undesired cascading effect on the entire forum with less visits and even less discussion, because even the leeching lamers once in a while have to say something.

21.05.2016, 18:09

Re: Our Videomakers

yaznee wrote:Many forums have an option where the uploader can choose to hide the download link, and the only way to be able to see the DL link is by clicking the "Thanks/Like" button. I'll send a PM to admin to see if we can have this feature implemented Smile

i will be the first one to hide the download link if this feature will appear in the forum
i don't care if it is a force but now is too much so certain people will learn that click that hell button is not an effort but a form to respect and apprecciation for who work for make ideos for this forum
a videomaker do the videos for (i'm talking by my way)
1) own pleasure
2) pleasure of others
3) like button
i don't understand why some people download the video and don't press like button if you/they download videos it's mean you like that video or not?
so if you/they download any of the videos you/they MUST press the thanks button
you/they don't want dowload the videos you/they don't press the like button and the videos stay here it's very simply i think

thanks yaznee for take care about this problem because the videomakers are becoming lees than i arrived here

21.05.2016, 17:27

Re: Our Videomakers

I agree with Slowfox and Brudgon in most points and in my opinion it's a question of people's general attitude and when it comes to that things have imho got a lot worse in the last 1-2 years.

I don't think forcing people to click the thanks-button would change things for the better. Of course there would be a lot more thanks/like under each post, but it would be pretty much meaningless then. The members would not give a "thanks" because they want to - they have to click "thanks" because otherwise it wouldn't be possible to download a video for them. The thanks/like-button would become more or less a download-counter and that shouldn't be it's purpose imho - then it would be better to drop the thanks/like-option completely. Yes, it is disappointing when people don't even wanna show a little bit of appreciation to make a little mouseclick - just say at least a simple thanks for your efforts. Everything is taken for granted and sometimes it is just hard to believe how unbelievably ungrateful people can be. Instead of a slap on the back you'll get a slap in the face much, much more often and sooner or later you'll just give up...

21.05.2016, 17:02

Re: Our Videomakers

Slowfox wrote:Totally clear. The effect remains the same though.

I respect your opinion Smile

21.05.2016, 17:01

Re: Our Videomakers

yaznee wrote:
Slowfox wrote:I am pretty much aware that the like button and its function is and was always controversal, however, forcing a push of the button as to get the link does not really serve the purpose. What is such a like worth ? Nothing at all !

I personally prefer one honest like in appreciation of the video received instead of hundreds of forced dishonest ones.

Like I said. It's an option for the uploader to choose to use this or not.

Totally clear. The effect remains the same though.

21.05.2016, 17:00

Re: Our Videomakers

Slowfox wrote:I am pretty much aware that the like button and its function is and was always controversal, however, forcing a push of the button as to get the link does not really serve the purpose. What is such a like worth ? Nothing at all !

I personally prefer one honest like in appreciation of the video received instead of hundreds of forced dishonest ones.

Like I said. It's an option for the uploader to choose to use this or not.

21.05.2016, 16:51

Re: Our Videomakers

yaznee wrote:Many forums have an option where the uploader can choose to hide the download link, and the only way to be able to see the DL link is by clicking the "Thanks/Like" button. I'll send a PM to admin to see if we can have this feature implemented Smile

I am pretty much aware that the like button and its function is and was always controversal, however, forcing a push of the button as to get the link does not really serve the purpose. What is such a like worth ? Nothing at all !

I personally prefer one honest like in appreciation of the video received instead of hundreds of forced dishonest ones.

21.05.2016, 16:05

Re: Our Videomakers

Many forums have an option where the uploader can choose to hide the download link, and the only way to be able to see the DL link is by clicking the "Thanks/Like" button. I'll send a PM to admin to see if we can have this feature implemented Smile

21.05.2016, 14:41

Re: Our Videomakers

what i dislike is negative rep for bad photos after a hard work for post the videos
the request about other download host
the repulsion to press the thanks button and the 5 stars button
all of this by members that come here only for download the videos and many times stole the links by copy and past to others forum/porn sites
fuck you poor members you are only able to do requestes and brake the ball.....fuck you again

21.05.2016, 14:35

Re: Our Videomakers

shnaps7 wrote:Smile Smile

"Remember to click thank button if you download a video and if you like -
you can also increase reputation of videomakers.."

Nobody can go back and start from the beginning,
but anyone can start today and create a new beginning!!!


I fully agree dear brudgon - is hard work.
Here becoming a much less video our videomakers
I do not want to beat the language about of teeth and just say...
Click Download - Click here button...
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