Off-Topic Discussion

4.31 (13 rating(s))

(4.31 / 5, 13 ratings)

Author Posts

11.02.2017, 23:17

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

jamjon wrote:hi all, just came to say that i am happy to be back on the forum and look forward to meeting you all again. feel free to pm me at anytiem.

well, I am here not as long as you, but I believe many will join in in saying 'welcome back'

11.02.2017, 22:12

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

hi all, just came to say that i am happy to be back on the forum and look forward to meeting you all again. feel free to pm me at anytiem.

29.01.2017, 02:22

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:Don't mind me Tongue

[hidden image - please register]

I'm just spamming the Off Topic section Big Grin

As spamming is a bannable offence(yes, even pictures of Spam, which you probably bought from Tesco) I've issued you with a strike on your account ;)

Less spamming, please Tongue

29.01.2017, 00:36

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Don't mind me Tongue

[hidden image - please register]

I'm just spamming the Off Topic section Big Grin

26.01.2017, 22:24

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

3 Years ago today Sad

[hidden image - please register]


20.01.2017, 09:12

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

2 years ago on this day and at this very time I was being helped back to the security hut after slipping badly on the ice at my work only to find out later on in the day that my left ankle was broken in 3 places and would require a fairly big operation the following morning and with it meant a long road back to recovery and the shock that my previously independent lifestyle had come to any abrupt end. From walking and running freely to being wheel chair and crutch bound.

The weather outside today is very similar to what it was like in 2015. cold and icy patches which should be avoided at all costs Blush

10.01.2017, 10:02

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

boys, block all IP whence comes this subscriber!Cool

09.01.2017, 15:36

Re: Off-Topic Discussion


Hi guys! I look - celebration continues ....
One thing I can not understand - that he wants prove to us ?
This idiocy - which has reached the limit of perfection.
I'm sorry to dear Daz that there are more such people ...

09.01.2017, 12:37

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Dear friends,
maybe you should warn the police post, here it is virus, people lazy coward who spends his time bothering people trying to spend some time together with others to exchange ideas, quite harmless. I hope whoever it is to mend his ways and leave this site.
Kind regards.

09.01.2017, 12:10

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Guy does not seem to be the intention to hand over the video could reduce transmission, which is obsessed with hell he is, crazy hustle.Confused

08.01.2017, 18:51

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Mr.Meadow wrote:
logic wrote:I know it wouldn't be fair to other possibly new members, but maybe the admin should close the possibility for registration at LSTV for some time. Maybe with a popup:
"...currently not available because of one stupid asshole!"

...or lock the entire ETV section for a while. not much going on there anyway.

Just ignore is my advice for now, he's keeping all those email companies busy Big Grin

08.01.2017, 18:45

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

logic wrote:I know it wouldn't be fair to other possibly new members, but maybe the admin should close the possibility for registration at LSTV for some time. Maybe with a popup:
"...currently not available because of one stupid asshole!"

...or lock the entire ETV section for a while. not much going on there anyway.

08.01.2017, 18:29

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

I know it wouldn't be fair to other possibly new members, but maybe the admin should close the possibility for registration at LSTV for some time. Maybe with a popup:
"...currently not available because of one stupid asshole!"

08.01.2017, 16:09

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

dazaman wrote:A word of advice for spiders22

Each time you join, how long to register? it takes me seconds to destroy your account. Is it really worth your effort? Common sense says NO, but I suspect you are an idiot and think you're proving something, well yes you are, you're confirming my thoughts Smile

Have a nice day in the open air and stop wasting your time :/

Yep. He's an idiot Sad

Go out and make friends, who knows, someone might like you.

08.01.2017, 12:22

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

dazaman wrote:A word of advice for spiders22

Each time you join, how long to register? it takes me seconds to destroy your account. Is it really worth your effort? Common sense says NO, but I suspect you are an idiot and think you're proving something, well yes you are, you're confirming my thoughts Smile

Have a nice day in the open air and stop wasting your time :/

He thinks it's fun , It has many names - but real character of a man is found out by his actions....

' You don't need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are! "
~John Lennon~
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