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03.09.2011, 17:37

Re: Nicknames

Watcher wrote:
HvB wrote:What nickname?

HvB comes from the pioneer days ...
When names were real names,
models were real models,
breasts were real breasts,
threads were real threads,
reputations were real reputations
and replies were real replies not real silly ... Tongue .

Ah, don't get me started on old times ...
In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were REAL men, women were REAL women, and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were REAL small furry creatures from Aplha Centauri.

03.09.2011, 17:11

Re: Nicknames

HvB wrote:What nickname?

HvB comes from the pioneer days ...
When names were real names,
models were real models,
breasts were real breasts,
threads were real threads,
reputations were real reputations
and replies were real replies not real silly ... Tongue .

03.09.2011, 13:03

Re: Nicknames

What nickname?

03.09.2011, 12:06

Re: Nicknames

brudgon?Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin
italian dialet form (sporcaccione in italian language and dirty in english language)Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

03.09.2011, 10:30

Re: Nicknames

Rather obvious really ...

I watch Cool .

03.09.2011, 09:20

Re: Nicknames

My case is very simple:
Kyke is diminutive for Enrique (Henry)
and 50.... I do not remember.

03.09.2011, 02:48

Re: Nicknames

Smooth as silk,solid as rock.That's Vogue.

[hidden link - please register]

03.09.2011, 01:10

Re: Nicknames

Hello my friend Mr_Niceguy

what's the reason I decided to choose this nickname ?

I have watched the channel mostly in the night since January 2007 what means I go to sleep very late and start my working day later.
I like it to go out with friends and come home early in the morning and get up never before 11 o'clock at the weekend normally.
Hence due to my activities in the internet during the last years I spend a lot of nights in front of the computer.
So I choose the name nighthawk. Active in the night and the spirit of the hawk. Smile

If I would be reborn and enter this world as an animal, it would be night active one.
Hope a good explanation

Greets and have a nice time here always

02.09.2011, 20:12

Re: Nicknames

well, why did I choose 'Slowfox'

a) I always liked dancing, dancing school and lessons with the slowfox being one of my favorites
b) while being a Student of economics I joined the students club. A 'freshman' is called fox. Because I joined quite late, only shortly prior final exams, I picked 'Slowfox' as nickname for the students connection.

02.09.2011, 19:53

Re: Nicknames

For my nickname it is not so difficult to imagine I guess. Already before I was a member I read a bit in the forum and it struck me how so many post were brutally critical. Now ofcourse criticism is a good thing, because it allows you to learn from your mistakes, but I feel it should always be wrapped in some nice words so as to have the criticism land in fertile ground and not bounce off because somebody has already closed up. I must admit though I did make some rather nasty comments a couple of times. So sorry to Lace and Maraya and everbody who ever felt offended by something I said. Not that I didn't mean it, but I could have been a bit nicer. Big Grin

It is not so difficult to be nice and it makes everbody's life so much easier.

02.09.2011, 19:47

Re: Nicknames

I think the meaning of my nickname is simple and doesn't need an explination. Cool

02.09.2011, 19:44

Re: Nicknames

To start things off the quote from nighthawk and Vappiano

vappiano68 wrote:
nighthawk wrote:The current new ?

Mr_vappiano68 has reached the magic line too. Smile
Congrats for the "20" Thumb up

Now an excuse in advance Big Grin
Are you 68 years old or is it the year when you entered this world ? Big Grin
For the second case let me say we are very nearby and sorry for my curiosity Big Grin

Greet you and I wish you a nice time here always

By Nighthawk

Thanks a lot Nighthawk!
And thanks a lot to all the forum members who allowed this, through their positive rating to me.

As regard my age... my nick has a long story...


vappiano is composed in this way:

'va' + 'piano' (italian infinite present: andare piano, literally : 'to go slowly')

In Italian it's an idiom just like an exhortation:

'Relax, take it easy, we are in this forum to spend some funny moments'

but also:

'give all things no more importance than what they deserve'

The number:

it refers to the 'Sabato del Villaggio' (Saturday in the village), a poetry from Giacomo Leopardi

[hidden link - please register]

In this poetry Giacomo Leopardi told us that, in the village, Saturday is a day of joy for all the people, because they are waiting for Sunday.

So you can understand that 68 is a number of joy, because I'm waiting for...Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin


So 68 is not my current age, not my age when I joined this forum (Sorry Tari... Big Grin ) and not my year of birth.
I was born in the '70s.


Thanks again
