News from the World

3.69 (16 rating(s))

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18.03.2016, 19:41

Re: News from the World

Today the former German foreign minister and former leader of the liberal party Guido Westerwelle passed away 54 years old due to leukemia,
and the former Minister-President of Baden-Wuerttemberg (federal state in southern Germany) Lothar Spaeth passed away 78years old.

My condolonces to their families and friends!

18.03.2016, 18:33

Re: News from the World

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18.03.2016, 07:54

Re: News from the World

Sad to hear Paul Daniels has passed away, I grew up watching his show in the 80's Sad At least he didn't have to suffer a long drawn out illness and is now at peace.


17.03.2016, 10:34

Re: News from the World

The death of British Magician and Entertainer, Paul Daniels. aged 77,
just announced. he suffered from a Brain Tumor.
he will be sadly missed, condolences to his Family.
R.I.P. Paul

03.03.2016, 10:10

Re: News from the World

Scottishbloke wrote:he had the world at his feet but used his celebrity status in order to engage in under age sex with a 15 year old girl.

actually he was found guilty of sexual touching, not underage sex.

though it's not much less repugnant.

02.03.2016, 23:08

Re: News from the World

[hidden link - please register]

Well the big story in the UK concerns this disgraced footballer, he had the world at his feet but used his celebrity status in order to engage in under age sex with a 15 year old girl.

Adam Johnson now faces a lengthy spell in jail which could be anything from 4 to 10 years.

Full Story - [hidden link - please register]

20.02.2016, 12:06

Re: News from the World

R.I.P. [hidden link - please register], Italian novelist, essayist, literary critic and philosopher, best known for his groundbreaking 1980 historical mystery novel
"The Name of the Rose" CryCry

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16.02.2016, 09:19

Re: News from the World

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Well finally some good news to report, a cure for cancer could be on the horizon SmileThumb up

I only wish that this was discovered 12 years ago and my mother might have still be around to tell the tale Sad My hope now is that this awful disease might finally have the proper medication in order for anybody who is inflicted with this is able to go onto making a full recovery Thumb up

Hopefully this will be the first cure of many as it would be great if in my lifetime the only thing we had to worry about with regards to dying would be old age or something of a accidental nature.

09.02.2016, 09:33

Re: News from the World

Germany train crash:
8 dead, 150 injured after 2 passenger trains collide head-on in Bavaria

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07.02.2016, 02:37

Re: News from the World

What the fuck is going on with North Korea, I see that crazy bastard has just fired a long-range rocket, me thinks we need to go in there and sort that prick out what with his silly haircut and everything - Somebody ought to tell that Kim Jong-un that we're no longer living in the 90's, get with the times would you! Big Grin

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01.02.2016, 00:10

Re: News from the World

Scottishbloke wrote:I must say I was very shocked to hear the news on Terry Wogan, just like Bowie I had absolutely no idea that he was seriously ill. My dad was a huge fan of his shows, even to the point that in 1988 he went all the way down to BBC Studios in London just to see him live Sad


Guessed something was wrong when he pulled out of Children in Need, which was very important to him.

Sad day, a true UK legend of TV and Radio

31.01.2016, 23:48

Re: News from the World

I must say I was very shocked to hear the news on Terry Wogan, just like Bowie I had absolutely no idea that he was seriously ill. My dad was a huge fan of his shows, even to the point that in 1988 he went all the way down to BBC Studios in London just to see him live Sad


31.01.2016, 15:02

Re: News from the World

Sir Terry Wogan: Veteran broadcaster dies, aged 77

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27.01.2016, 02:06

Re: News from the World

Abe Vigoda dead: Godfather actor dies in his sleep aged 94.

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19.01.2016, 01:15

Re: News from the World

Eagles Founder and Guitarist Glenn Frey Dead at 67
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