Love Parade

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27.07.2008, 22:14

Love Parade

Can anyone tell me if Germany's annual event, Love Parade, still takes place and if so, are the live broadcasts carried by any of the hotbird channels?

28.07.2008, 04:53

Re: Love Parade

Hi Billy,

I can't tell you which channels will be on Hot bird next year. So I can't answer your question. Maybe Kasenit feels some itching in his chrystal ball ...

27.07.2008, 23:41

Re: Love Parade

Thanks, ghostwriter, but still no one has answered my question. I see from the link that RTL II cover it, but my only chance of seeing this event is if there's a HB channel that covers it.

Is there a HB channel that has live coverage of Love Parade?

27.07.2008, 22:17

Re: Love Parade

Thanks, Hv8. Just missed it, then? Damn!

Is it available on any of the HB channels?

27.07.2008, 22:16

Re: Love Parade

Hi Billy,

this years love parade was last weekend in Dortmund and was covered by several channels.

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