Liveshows Channels and other hood clips channel

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18.04.2009, 00:53

Re: Liveshows Channels and other hood clips channel


18.04.2009, 00:13

Re: Liveshows Channels and other hood clips channel

@ticky: send me the links to [hidden link - please register] - I will convert them to MP4 clips tomorrow.

17.04.2009, 23:41

Re: Liveshows Channels and other hood clips channel

16E, 11304V, SC Folk: a cleanfeed (medium soft) clips program has started around 23.00 hrs

(XStream style, but different models.)

17.04.2009, 22:48

Re: Liveshows Channels and other hood clips channel

The problem is the slow internet connection...

[[ Edit: Mailed to Mauro who has made an MP4 out of it. Thanks Mauro ]]

17.04.2009, 22:39

Re: Liveshows Channels and other hood clips channel

The easiest solution would be splitting the file into 4 parts and uploading it to megaupload or rapidshare. But I can look for some tools if you're interested.

17.04.2009, 22:27

Re: Liveshows Channels and other hood clips channel

I knew this question would come, so I recorded yesterdays last half hour of elette tv.

[[ Edit: Mailed to Mauro who has made an MP4 out of it. Thanks Mauro ]]

17.04.2009, 21:33

Re: Liveshows Channels and other hood clips channel

Thanks tricky for your detailed info on the HispaSat channels. Unfortunately I can't receive this satelite because of a wall between. Do you have any equipment to record some examples? Or does anyone else have?

17.04.2009, 18:12

Re: Liveshows Channels and other hot clips channel

Thanks to all of you for your responses

17.04.2009, 04:06

Re: Liveshows Channels and other hood clips channel

Thank you guys...this list is really helpful. @Mauro....we know who stars on "ChatBack".......suckulent Juliet. And honorable mention, Sacha.

17.04.2009, 03:10

Re: Liveshows Channels and other hood clips channel

One channel that seems to have escaped Mauro on 16E is Koperikus (K::CN) which shows clips (pixelated censorship) of above average pretty girls from 02.00 till 04.00. Note that the pixelation sometimes trails the camera movement, thus revealing a bit more of the girls private parts than one is supposed to see.

17.04.2009, 01:31

Re: Liveshows Channels and other hood clips channel

And ofcourse on Hotbird, 13E you will find plenty of Italian channels. The ones that still show R-rated live shows are

  • Fuego TV/ In TV/ TBM/Casa Italia (from 24.00 till 6.00 daily except sundays, mondays)
  • La 8 /LA 9/Canale Italia  (from 1.00 till 3.00, from friday till sunday, sometimes also on monday, and repeated from 3.00-5.00)
  • Nostradamus (Diva Futura live stream from 1.00 till 4.00)

No live shows but sometimes good quality:

  • Italia 8, Puglia channel and TV7 Lombardia (amongst others) feature Sexy Bar TV followed by a sexy shopping program which does not repeat all too often.
  • High Life TV has some nice back stage documentaries on Miss Italy/Europe/World contests. Just a few nipples but very pretty girls.
  • Polish ITV sometimes, around midnight, airs a soft dial-in show featuring two or three nice and sexy but otherwise non-showing presenters and a nude weather report.
  • Czech 4fun TV show sexy clips and hot music videos after midnight.
  • Fashion TV (24.00: midnight hot) and F-men (02.00 F-men hot) also feature some warm rather than hot women.

Most other channels are not worth mentioning as they will just repeat themselves. Regional itallian channels often broadcast erotic clips once their regular programmes have ended, but currently many just show continuous repeat of commercials for Pay TV channels. Check them once a month to see if they changed to more interesting stuff. Like Blue Line used to show uncensored Diva Futura repeats. Then suddenly they turned into a 24hrs advertising channel. Currently they are back to the regular 'R-rated' Diva Futura repeats .

17.04.2009, 00:10

Re: Liveshows Channels and other hood clips channel

Follow on, on hispasast 30W, after midnight on 11731H and 11931H :

  • Canal 53 shows clips of hardcore movies and advertisments
  • Cubo TV same thing (sometimes copies Sex OnTV gold)
  • Telelinea airs a very sexy hardcore live show from 24.00 till 01.00 (elette TV, only weekdays, not weekends), currently by far the best FTA  liveshow in the world! (@ Mauro: you should tape this if you can)

If you are not familiar with Spanish local TV the above channels might come as a revelation to you. Basically, on these channels anything can (and will) happen, though most of the time it is just crap.

16.04.2009, 22:42

Re: Liveshows Channels and other hood clips channel

Yasmine, I was checking a few satellites recently with the following result:

  • Eurobird 9 deg east: Tu Tele Local (hardcore movies after midnight), OPAL TV (sexy gameshow and censored clips after 1am, Blue Moon (uncut versions of the X-Stream clips)
  • Eutelsat 16 deg east: ASTRO TV and Melos TV air liveshows after 1am, Astro TV offer some kind of webcam liveshows, quality is average, but they just have 3 masked models), Melos TV has another show, I posted some vids a few days ago)
  • Thor 1 deg west: Some clips channels, but cut versions only
  • Sirius 5 deg east: Star TV Ukraine was broadcasting clips after 1am, but according to KingOfSat the channel has ceased transmissions yesterday.
  • Eurobird 28 deg east: has lots of liveshow channels, but being "supervised" by OfCom they are stricly censored. The most interesting channel there at present is ChatBack.
