on facebook!

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30.08.2011, 22:46 on facebook!

Hey folks,

you can add us now on our brandnew facebook site. Click "I like" and have fun!
latest information just for you there. Thumb up

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30.11.2014, 16:13

Re: on facebook!

dazaman wrote:For those not aware, LSTV have a newer page on Facebook and hopefully will start being updated on information more often in the coming month's Smile

The page is closing in on the 1,000 likes mark and we hope this happens before the end of this year, thank you to those who already follow our page Smile

[hidden link - please register]

A quick thank you to all members who liked our page. We have now passed the 1,000 mark.

Thank you to those who took the time and i repeat. In the coming months our Facebook page will be more active.

Watch this space Cool

29.09.2014, 13:35

Re: on facebook!

For those not aware, LSTV have a newer page on Facebook and hopefully will start being updated on information more often in the coming month's Smile

The page is closing in on the 1,000 likes mark and we hope this happens before the end of this year, thank you to those who already follow our page Smile

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