Hotbird developed itself to a Frozen Turkey

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13.12.2008, 01:48

Hotbird developed itself to a Frozen Turkey

Friday night,

I zap to all Hotbird cannels and I can see only one channel (Blue Line) with a good Show.

Al the other channels are boring.

I think the time for erotic on TV is over. (with CSA)

the future is in the internet

14.12.2008, 00:29

Re: Hotbird developed itself to a Frozen Turkey


Right, no censorship and no limits

<<<<< The best condition for a good show >>>>>

14.12.2008, 00:10

Re: Hotbird developed itself to a Frozen Turkey


100 % agree. That is exactly what I said in this forum some months ago when Red Lips starts their TV Adventure, at that time I Said : " this is a Strategical Mistake".And finally Red Lips adventure finished as we know....

INTERNET is the future for Erotic Programs, only point for succes is to be able to make something different and being able to find a way for finnancing a free program.

Pity that Red Lips did not realize about it.....Hopefully some others are capable to lern from this experience or maybe Redlips comes back to INTERNET.

Time is

13.12.2008, 23:41

Re: Hotbird developed itself to a Frozen Turkey

Totally agree with you, morover I think it will take much to turn back to good old days. But TV is always better since it is faster.

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