Happy new year

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31.12.2014, 15:17

Re: Happy new year

Time flies by and already time to drink till you drop Tongue i would've used this Cool but i'm saving them for tomorrow morning Blush

My best wishes to every member and drink wise and stay safe.

Happy New Year and see you next year Smile

31.12.2014, 13:45

Re: Happy new year

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31.12.2014, 12:47

Re: Happy new year

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31.12.2014, 11:49

Re: Happy new year

CoolCoolCool My best wishes for a happy new year to all the forum members, moderators and admin of LSTV CoolCoolCool

In loveIn loveIn love May 2015 bring to all the world happiness and peace In loveIn loveIn love

So I can post some good news in the "News of the World" section SmileSmileSmile

31.12.2014, 11:27

Re: Happy new year

A Happy 2015 to all of You!
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31.12.2014, 09:38

Re: Happy new year

Hey Gents!!
To Just Wish Everyone on this,My second Home!
Cheers bigal!

31.12.2014, 00:36

Re: Happy new year

I wish all members of this forum and your families and friends all the best for the new year! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

30.12.2014, 15:17

Re: Happy new year

Hello, my dear friends.Thumb up
This was not a year of the best. The world economy is going through one of its worst moments, the secession of Ukraine has made thousands of deaths,
the Ebola virus is affecting thousands of people, the ISIS is murdering people in the most atrocious and inhumane that man has never done.Thumb downThumb downThumb down

Also condemned by Islamic states, is a disgrace of humanity.Thumb downThumb downThumb down We humans should learn from animals.Smile
Animals kill only to survive (the law of the jungle), each dominating in its territory but does not invade the territory of the other.
They try to live together, respect each other. In short, they live in peace.
If you look at my avatar, you see a dog and a cat, next to each other. Maybe they do not love like two doves, but they respect
each other and above all manage to stay together without getting the war.

However, I am optimisticSmile and I hope and believe that the people will be able one day to live in peace.Thumb up
Makes me believe even this wonderful site,Smile where people of different races and different languages can communicate
with each other, expressing their views, which may and may not be shared but that are respected.Thumb upThumb upThumb up

Dear friends, I wish you all and your families a wonderful 2015, full of peace, love, health, and why not, even for money.SmileSmileSmile
A wish and a special thanks to the administrators and moderators of this site, who with their hard work and by stealing space
to their free time, they are able to manage a community of members so large as ours.Thumb upThumb upThumb up

My best wishes are extended to all people of this world, and in special way to the "Ebola fighters"
who are putting at risk their lives to help the entire world community.Thumb upThumb upThumb up

Good day to everyone.SmileThumb up

06.01.2014, 18:36

Re: Happy new year

Now when the nice time is over again I wouldn't like to forget to wish A Happy New Year to everyone.
Health and a well regularly monthly income are the most essential things what every single one should have.
Then, almost all other problems can be solved if they are bigger or smaller and the solution is more or less successful.
Main point is to can live with the result.

HAPPY 2014

02.01.2014, 23:56

Re: Happy new year

Hey Hey! Happy NEW YEAR to ALL of YOU right here too!!!! Sorry, I'm late but I haven't forgotten!!!! Happy and Save 2014!!!! HeartHeartHeartHeart

01.01.2014, 13:29

Re: Happy new year

a happy new year!
health, success, luck and of course love... Smile

01.01.2014, 12:08

Re: Happy new year

Happy New Year for everyone! Smile
your head(ache) and stomach will be better soon. Big Grin

PS: only 16 days till next Kohltour. Confused

01.01.2014, 11:57

Re: Happy new year

Happy New Year Everyone !

01.01.2014, 11:54

Re: Happy new year

[hidden image - please register]

Kind Regards

01.01.2014, 11:35

Re: Happy new year

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brothers and sisters