Evolution of this site

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15.10.2009, 21:28

Evolution of this site

Hello Old Grizzly and Mr P.

On my PC, the screen of your site is badly displayed and I have not access to the models pictures. Why ? Is it definitive ?

13.11.2009, 20:30

Re: Evolution of this site

Thank you for the answer !

13.11.2009, 19:31

Re: Evolution of this site

@marialover: we do not plan to add a forum for Eurogirls.tv. But there will be a special discussion topic for the time being.

13.11.2009, 01:00

Re: Evolution of this site


It is VERY bad form, and against forum rules, to bump your post in this manner.

I am sure that Mr Pink, who makes these decisions, will reply when he is ready. So be a little patient.

Thank You !

12.11.2009, 21:58

Re: Evolution of this site

Hallo Houston! Answer please !!!

12.11.2009, 11:41

Re: Evolution of this site


To integrate the American members watching Eurogirl TV and to have pleasure to read their posts, do you think to launch a new forum or a new section (even typical of separation as for Sexysat) or only new topics in the part dedicated to Eurotic TV ? You have probably more informations about Eurogirl TV than the basic member like me and you can share them !

30.10.2009, 14:01

Re: Evolution of this site

could it be that ..............

the 12:43 from the Gare du Nord to fman1 in the ETV General Discussion has been delayed indefinitely owing to ferocious bears having a picnic too close to the rails.

>> the affirmation 'the sun shines' can be right now, but it could be wrong tomorrow. The Talking Heads words 'Say something once why say it again?' are appropriate only for the first category. Imagine: now you say 'the sun shines'. Tomorrow, maybe, it will rain, the your words will have no more meaning <<

The sun shines all the time, I mean all the time, whether it rains or not makes no difference whatsoever.
fact - The Sun appears to have been active for 4.6 billion years and has enough fuel to go on for another five billion years or so.

So for us mere mortals it can be regarded as a constant.

a tip, arthur don't annoy grizzlies they are bigger, meaner and quicker, try feeding them honey, confrontation will surely lead to a quick demise.

15.10.2009, 21:42

Re: Evolution of this site

Now it's Ok ! Bye

15.10.2009, 21:41

Re: Evolution of this site

Just done a quick check.

Everything seems to be working fine.

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