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Thanks to Ghostwriter's research a few days ago wehad the pleasure to have a look into the new TGElive website (you may remember the old one, where the studio place was revealed? That's history now, but might be preserved in Google's archives). But I digress. Browsing through that website I found some things which made me thinking about the kind of people behind this business, and especially about how they try to pull a fast one on their prospective customers. In true Vappiamo manner (excuse me...), I will present first some citations:
This one might be an explanation (possibly among many others) why the shows have tamed down to the level we see now. Here they tell how the SMSes are processed: <<Text to Screen So that 'programmatical scan' is responsible for the eliminating of words like 'kind' (in 'kind regards', and any others also. Imagine Dick Doe sending a SMS... ;-
<<Revenue Projections (sample calculation) per show: That triggered one of my pet hobbies: doing a few 'back-of-the envelope' calculations. 20000 viewers in a one-hour show. Well, let's suppose they are right. I don't know how many subscribers or viewers are covered by the envisaged TV stations. 20 % sending SMSes? For sure they dream. That would mean 4000 SMS per hour, or a rate of 1 SMS every 0.9 sec. Now, suppose all scanning is done, what now? Presenting every 0.9 seconds a new SMS on the screen? I can read quite fast, but not THAT fast... Discarding some of the SMSes? If we allow a view time of 10 seconds, they could present 360 SMSes in that hour. That would mean that 3640 viewers are robbed off 7.99 dollars each and on't even see their SMS on screen, not to mention getting their wishes fulfilled. A business plan for optimists, or rather for Molvanian scammers? I hope that the targeted customers see the fly in the ointment. I admit that I cannot call myself a business specialist, and I am quite sure that some people here (eg. our friend HvB?) will tell me that I am completely wrong and all would work fine as presented on the website. I am curious to hear their arguments, though
Hello kasenit, just a consideration: <<< Salaries etc..... >>> My assumption was based on the number of people employed I read here: [hidden link - please register] <<< You should keep in mind that eUrotic is a company with roughly 100 employees >>> I repeat, I don't know the wages in ETV land, but in the number I wrote (100000 €/month) I considered |
I think the only comment I can add to this thread is that in the end it all boiles down to what Marie-Antoinette said. First of all, we don't know what she said, because she was murdered shortly afterward and never had a chance to comment on this her most famous quote. Chances are that these almost-last words were never actually spoken, but in fact laid into her mouth by revolutionaries who needed to put her in a certain context in order to hit even harder on her royal partner. Second, what she is accused of having said is often wrongly translated, because if she ever said what she is claimed to have said, she would not have used the word 'cake' but rather 'brioche', which is not at all that silly, because at the time, when baker shops had sold out, they were forced by law to sell the more expensive luxury-bread brioche for the same price as the cheap regular bread. Now if you think this is off topic, you better reread the thread and analyse carefully who said what and how this was interpreted. See if you can spot the Marie-Antoinette and the revolter. And we even have a baker who ran out of bread in our midst too. And an angry mob too, probably. But who cares about them! The only thing wrong about history is that it keeps repeating itself. Now who said that? |
IMHO Kasenit has been most graceous to see his topic drift away. I apologise to him if my arguements are a little obtuse but that's the way I am built. I am not going to get over- involved in the discussion about costs. But if someone does not know the figure he can hardly claim that his figure is accurate. It's just a wild guess like everything else. Before the sheriff wakes up allow me to put our 'broadcast partner expert' right on a couple of points. I took a look at the posts he mentioned as, as expected, I found nothing but his usual assumptions - take a line. blow it out of context and create even more confusion. But I will stand back on the Italian connection and just wait to see what, if anything, happens. Better to judge someone on what actually happens than what may happen with someone's vivid imagination. But I will just close on one point of pure accountacy just to show how crazy the logic of quoting the desire of several 'broadcast partners' was. There is one telephone number for the US. I assume, like Europe, there will also be one short-code SMS number. That means there is only one source of income or, as Marie Antoinette would have put it, one cake that can be cut up before being eaten. The broadcast partner KJLA is receiving 50% of 60% of gross income. There is no more income that can be cut unless KJLA themselves take a cut and I am sure that they already have a contract that excludes that. |
Dear friends, I beg you, please behave as gentlemens! I don't worry if the topic drifts about a bit, as long as the discussion proceeds in a civilised manner. I see a lot of good arguments from all sides, although I must admit that these from my friends HvB and DB are sometimes a bit too obfuscated and not easily to comprehend for a simple person like me. Salaries etc. I also think that Vappiano's number is too high, but we have to consider that for every job they need at least 3 incarnations for a 24/7 service. Maybe some of them are only part-time, but a staff of 30 to 40 persons behind the stage would not be too much I think. At least what the (at the time) 40 models get I know quite well. But I think that O.G's hand is already moving nearer to his colt, so I better say no more. But we could bicker endlessly about these numbers, one thing seems to be clear, and DB was right in this: They can make a profit, or else they had gone belly up long ago. But, to come back to the U.S. connection: Here I still have my doubts. One fact was, I think, not mentioned up to now: in Molvania all income goes in ETV's pockets, but in the Usa they make fifty-fifty with lhe local station(s). And that they could produce live shows in that (how was the name, KJLA TV) studio I don't believe. With American models/staff, or with Molvanian imports? If the first, then the 'murricans could do it themselves. And the second would eat up the profit. Anyway, it was an interesting discussion, thanks! |
The content of this topic is still a satire about the great example calculation on the website ,,, |
<<< Pls give me the address of the Blue Moon >>> You can ask your friend, he knows many addresses... <<< And the forum mod >>> mmmhhhh comment, it's better for you ------------- ... and they don't want... <<< I posted all that stuff you quoted in this topic? In the context of false calculations regarding the American operations? Quoting out of context >>> Contest of this topic: description and analysis of " ETV's wonderful business plan". |
Vappiano: They can't guarantee that the message will be shown. And as usual: I posted all that stuff you quoted in this topic? In the context of false calculations regarding the American operations? Quoting out of context is just proving, not refuting DB's claims. |
Ooh wow. Pls give me the address of the Blue Moon nightclub so I can go along and watch the etc live stream which, according to he who does not realise when he goes off-topic, will be shown live as it happens in that club. But do not judge others like you judge yourself. "If the topic does not fit then I will change the topic" But why cast me as judge and jury ?. I think it was the people who decided when Marie Antoinette supposedly said 'Let them eat cake' who was the more realistic debater. And remember what happened to Marie Antionette. And the forum mod is probably more than happy to see you make a total prat of yourself.
How sweet you are, always in couple.... ah ah ah .... You continue with your wish to cause the closure of this topic (that you don't like) with the usual trick: As regards Riccardo Schicchi: <<< But maybe you do not understand what a broadcast partnership means.>>> I understand very well, maybe it's you having some problems, so I will help you: <<< Now with a little quote from the (last) TGE image film: 'our digital playout center can provide streams for every place in the world and we can link content from all over the world into one global stream' you may also be able to answere a question asked fe(!)rther down: How does Riccardo Schicchi and his Italian speaking girls fit into this picture? >>> It's incredible: you accuse me of something told by your friend !!! the more you reply in this topic, the more you write crap. ---------- [hidden link - please register] <<< For a fee of $7.99 you will receive a 24 hour EuroGirlTV Club membership that will allow you to: 1.Send up to 10 SMS messages to the EuroGirlTV Service (EuroGirlTV Club or These messages may be used for a variety of interactive uses such as (but not limited to): Simple considerations: 1)None of their sevice is guaranteed: Shameless scam !!! |
@DB: disagreement! From my point of view the topic is about wrong income calculations. Vappiano was dead on topic with his calculation ... so everything is fine with me. :) |
Oh mercy moi. The next time I dare to answer in a topic you have contributed to I had better ask your permission first. You may have sought to answer kasenit's question if indeed he was asking one but you soon went off into realms of fantasy and TOTALLY off-topic when you attempted to forecast the income/costs of the European operation which was NOT the topic subject. That is still The US operation. Unless Europe is now using the $ as a currency. And you then make it worse by including that Italian porno-king in your arguements. Where, I ask, does this topic, or even the forum as a whole mention a broadcast partnership between this channel and him ?. But maybe you do not understand what a broadcast partnership means. It means that the content of one channel appears on another. All I can see is a promotion of a nightclub 'Blue Moon' on ETV and the visit of some of their girls to that club. That is a joint promotion ( same as was with the ill-fated Big Sister) NOT a broadcast partnership. Comprenez ? Now I am off-topic. And apologies to the topic-starter. |
...The Golden Couple together again ... ah ah ah ... <<< I must ask WTF has some imaginary figures of the current income/costs have to do >>> It's simply an answer to this question by kasenit (who is the author of this thread, so he knows better than you and me what kind of subjects his thread has to deal): " How much cashflow needs a TV station to be profitable? " ------- <<< And I do not want to hear any more fantasy of there being other businesses 'behind' this. >>> wow... "I don't want to hear..." |
Gee. I have been busy this morning and missed even more fun. Someone compalined before that topics go abit 'off'. So I must ask WTF has some imaginary figures of the current income/costs have to do with this topic which concerns the US operations and NOT what we presently see on the tv. Do I know what the current costs are ? No, I do not But I will tell you what I know. I know, with a reasonable degree of common-sense and without resort to fantasy, that the channel makes a profit. And how do I know this ? Very simple. Because if it did not it would have folded a long time ago. And I do not want to hear any more fantasy of there being other businesses 'behind' this. And now back to much more important work. |
<<< I know a lot of ppl that would be very happy if your assumption about the wages was anywhere close to reality.>>> I'm not informed about the wages in ETV land like you are ... <<< Your assumption about the call rate is far to low. If you wanna calculate conservative 80 % would be fine (in reallity it is higher). >>> Come on HvB... it's a joke.... <<< Running costs for equipment, rent, heating, electricity, water, insurances, decorations, phone, mail, internet, production of the offline services, ....>>> I don't know the single cost for each category you listed, but I'm sure that, in general, my numbers are much more realistic than what ETV shows |