Awesome...100.000 members!

2 (4 rating(s))

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Author Posts

13.01.2013, 13:04

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

130005 members and.........there is again brudgonBig GrinTongue

31.12.2012, 02:26

My way of life...

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
logic wrote:Some years ago I was a member of a simple car forum. Blush

cars, soccer, computer games, tits & pussy .... Confused
all the important things in life. Big Grin

Hi Prof, personally i delete computer games and add music...Tongue

A torrid night to you Cool

30.12.2012, 15:24

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

logic wrote:Some years ago I was a member of a simple car forum. Blush

cars, soccer, computer games, tits & pussy .... Confused
all the important things in life. Big Grin

30.12.2012, 15:17

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

brudgon wrote:awesome 2012TongueThumb up
129099 members right nowThumb up
the best forum on the webCoolBig Grin
....and i'm part of thisTongue

OMG........almost 130000 people which have their main concentration on naked woman and open legs, instead of having a real girlfriend or family. What a strange world! Big GrinTongue
....and I'm part of this, too.

Some years ago I was a member of a simple car forum. Blush

30.12.2012, 04:50

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

awesome 2012TongueThumb up
129099 members right nowThumb up
the best forum on the webCoolBig Grin
....and i'm part of thisTongue

28.11.2012, 19:46

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

.....and counting

11.09.2012, 23:53

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

opsBig Grin
just passed 120000 membersThumb upThumb up great
now 120075Tongue

16.05.2012, 18:35

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

Today it happened!

A warm welcome to our member no. 111.111,malekzade7! Big Grin
And of course a warm welcome for all other new members!

Have fun and a nice time in this forum! Smile

15.05.2012, 23:42

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

Only 7 new members to the magic number 111.111! Smile

29.04.2012, 19:53

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

Just only 1100 newbies and we have a nice and funny number of members! Big Grin

[hidden link - please register]

29.04.2012, 18:20

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

100000 members, this is one of the best scores for a forum: Thumbup:: Thumbup:: Thumbup:, and I think this can be explained by english who is main language to post on the forum, it is also the most used in the worldwide. The satisfaction of we former members is also an assumption without forgetting that the newcomers should be encouraged for make them as satisfied as we in their follow: Thumbup:Smile. Dear members, I encourage you all to continue in a respectful and reasonable in the forumSmile( threads of models, activities...), and especially the new members to start on good bases, you are welcome because it's really a good forum: Cool:: Thumbup:Smile: D.

29.04.2012, 17:17

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

In this moment we are 110000 members.

10.01.2012, 18:42

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

kyke50 wrote:I believe that a big impediment is the language.
If each one could express oneself in the proper language, it is sure that there would be many more active members.
For example, if I could write in Spanish, my posts would be much more in quantity and, of course, in quality, since they would be more elaborated and it would express better what I want to say.
But also I understand that it is impossible that each one expresses himself in his own language, it would be a chaos.

More over I believe it's best if we write small compact posts,instead of large and most of the time dificult to be understud by the majority of the members.
See how mods are expresing for examble.

10.01.2012, 17:39

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

I believe that a big impediment is the language.
If each one could express oneself in the proper language, it is sure that there would be many more active members.
For example, if I could write in Spanish, my posts would be much more in quantity and, of course, in quality, since they would be more elaborated and it would express better what I want to say.
But also I understand that it is impossible that each one expresses himself in his own language, it would be a chaos.

10.01.2012, 17:26

Re: Awesome...100.000 members!

Panda wrote:
brudgon wrote:right right now 101948 members but there is a little problemSad
how many members participate to discussion in every thread? always the sameSad
how many members download videos uploaded by ours videomakers? all members
this problem must be solved....excuse me for offtopic but it's my little battleSmile
i like we are almost 102000 members but i would like to read opinions by 102000 members alsoSmile

Are there at least 1000 members participating ?
i mean writing posts or even press the thank button ?
What do you think ?Confused

100,000 active members would 1, send the forum team mad or 2, a early grave Confused

Most just want to look on V&C threads and neither post a hello or thank you, but in some cases it can be for the best Smile

Probably since this forum started there might of been 1,000 regular active members total, but all it takes is 30 or 40 active members to make a forum worth visiting and taking part.

Like/thank well at best you will get 10% who use that option and yes option is the word.

EDIT: I meant 1% Blush