The good old days - A nostalgia thread

4.26 (104 Bewertung(en))

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24.06.2008, 11:56

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

I have re-uploaded this clip following a request in another thread.

This was her first night-show after her (1st) return and when her new name was not that distinct.

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and a worthy addition to this thread too.

18.06.2008, 20:58

Pussy nostalgia with Jaya, Allegra, Lana, Malena, Safo & Desita

All naked and with details, 22 minutes! One of the highlights at etv. The one or other part of that

show may have been already posted here, dunno, but this is my hotbird long version. :-)

You need all parts!! 409 mb, hires!

(You know, due to the lack of hot shows....) :-D

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Ciao, postingbull, the musketeer from Berlin

13.06.2008, 07:51

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

2 vids from Eurotic Tv ( march-april2006), when they made Erotic shows!!!

this one is from ETV1. A strip by Diamond, in the background are Jaya, Kaleya,Tia and Kia.
the last 2 are for seconds full nude.
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this clip is from the same night feat. Bianka and Lin on ETV2. Lin is full nude.
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today it seems that we can only dream about this kind of shows.... (sad but true).

27.05.2008, 09:10

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

from the dark, dank gloomy underground archives of Transylvania, old reels cleaned of years of dust and cobwebs ....

       .......... to continue 05 June '06

a nice scene with Eliza, Tia and some ice cubes, later joined by Amanda with
Malena and Megita in the background. this kind of show "ist jetzt verboten !!"
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7:47 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 81.8 MB

on to 08.06.06 the agile Kia with a polestrip
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9:22 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 98.4 MB

and a sexy Tia polestrip from the same show
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9:23 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 98.2 MB

the following night 09.06.06 Jaya and Kaleya naked at the pole and a felt tip floorshow where the names of the requesters weren't written on paper, with cutaways to Megita, Merry, Yvon, Alexa and a very distant Eliza.
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9:23 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 99.2 MB

the above scene continued with all models excepting Eliza who was in a world of her own, in deep discussion with a caller. Jaya and Kaleya naturally the centres of attraction continuing the floor show and back to the pole.
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9:23 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 99.5 MB

part 3 a lot more Megita and Merry as this continues, Eliza chewing gum looking very bored with the proceedings, a non participant with no caller, the show finishes with Alexa blowing kisses and  ......

yes you guessed, the mirrored disco ball
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6:03 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 63.6 MB

a special for @"Shaky"-Schumi from 10.06.06 (re. off topic chat)
Kaleya with a blonde wig, pink boots and cap, A very dynamic solo performance at the pole with 2 close up cameras and Shamus' younger brother at the controls, Formidable (Fr), erstaunlich (De) what a change 2 years makes !
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9:23 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 97.8 MB

that's all for now - to be continued
(I have removed a software wobble from all of these files, my software Mpeg encoder 2 years ago was not as good as it is now - you get what you pay for ;-)

have fun, yours truly
'the mad hatter'

26.05.2008, 15:35

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

Since Auntie Kaleya has just visited Big Sister, today I turn the clock back to her first visit to Big Brother - aka the regie room.

Explanation by Silvet. Contribution from Eleanora. Also spotted, Lolita.

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21.05.2008, 21:53

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

Slaveya, one of the hotest ETV Models ever

here is another video from late 2005 in the old, the "beach studio" feat. Slaveya(topless)
at the end Allegra joins her.(2 girls who ETV would need today)
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I didn't forgot about you

07.05.2008, 17:16

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

@ Johnny: Here you have  two videos of Nia, she has never made full strip only has made topless

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24.04.2008, 18:55

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

Jaya (nude) with Veronica at the pole,  Larissa and Tamara (ice cubes tits)

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3 of the models on Redlips great cast with Fanny and Megan. Veronica seems missing, i hope news about her too.

It would be a perfect cast with her.(a dream team :-)))

20.04.2008, 23:48

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

Safo shows pussy in hot closeups and does a lesbo show with Tia.  Sorry if repost, if,  then you have the hotbird version with less ads. :-))

The end is quite abrupt, may be my HD was full. Someone has a longer version? 100MB:

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17.04.2008, 23:17

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread


this time I have 2 vids of Helena from ETV2 in the time from april to june 2006(not 100% sure)
and 1 of lovely Adora, dated early january 2006

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good show of Helena with Simona beside her

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Helena together with Vivien. A nice, up to hot lesbo scene.

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And now Adora on ETV1 with a very sexy outfit( my opinion).
in short sequences "devil" Tia and Priscilla.

15.04.2008, 15:07

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

I will post a few Melisa clips (I have too) quite soon but for now, in the light of recent events, I will be a little more topical.

From an un-dated afternoon show in the late blue studio (ETV was always best when it was blue) three pole strips from Tyra each with a different partner.

Shortly before this sequence, Tyra came to the mic and thanked her caller. Now I have listened to this many times and I am still not quite sure what she says. So I have also included this. During the dance, you also hear the dulcet tones of the moderator. And I am still not quite sure what he says. Maybe there is someone here with better ears than I have.

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The point about the featured dances at this time was that  there was little or no cross-cutting to the rest of the studio. You had two cameras on the featured dancer(s). There is cross-cutting (fades) here but it does not spoil the view.

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The final partner is an early appearance by Nikita. I believe that this was the very first time she was a little more revealing.

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14.04.2008, 00:57

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

Melisa Early 2006

2 clips from beauty Melisa

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also feat.girls in this clip are Jaya, Allegra and Megita but the spot is on Melisa
with a little oops from her.

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in this clip you will see the same girls and Melisa "only" with

soon will come more from Helena and Adora

05.04.2008, 10:13

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

Hello Camilo

Thank you for the Video.

I am in favour of all videos in which Lolita and Prisilla happen.

04.04.2008, 23:06

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

Lolita and more
seppl0815 here is the lolita video, hope you likeit.
the other models in this video are:
Slaveya, Silvet and Eleonora

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the video is 19 min. so I have split it in 2 parts(hj split)
you will need both parts.

01.04.2008, 23:16

Re: The good old days - A nostalgia thread

 @ seppl0815

from this show I don't have videos,but i found one from the "blue studio"

i will post this one as soon as possible.

maybe you like one of the videos from today.

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this video from late 2005 with alegra and tia together

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this is not a ETV show like usual, in the middle you can here the original sound 

from dior(when you turn on full power)

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a solo show from tia in ETV2 I think early 2006

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the last video for today is from ETV2 spring 2006 feat. helena and nicole