Regina Videos & Caps

4.04 (28 Bewertung(en))

(4.04 / 5, 28 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

11.07.2009, 13:18

Re: Regina Videos & Caps

More scenes from sexy Regina, It's a pleasure watching her move and tease. Enjoy!

All oops scenes including bra-removal:
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
(736x560 MP4, 10:07 mins, 146 MB)

More sexy scenes & closeups:
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
(736x560 MP4, 8:16 mins, 119 MB)

11.07.2009, 07:19

Re: Regina Videos & Caps

Yesterday Night Show:

Regina had an oops, got topless with showing her nipples and played with her boobies.

That took more than 4 hours, better than the crappy nightshows on tuesday and wednesday, but less we hoped.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

05.07.2009, 19:10

Re: Regina Videos & Caps

Thanks der_Boy... I'll try tomorrow at 6 a.m. ;]

05.07.2009, 18:54

Re: Regina Videos & Caps


It's the usual Rapidshare weekend problem: too many user for a few server (it's also slow in the afternoon(middle europe) in the week)

Use Rapidshare at best in the night or morning.

05.07.2009, 17:10

Re: Regina Videos & Caps

Nice videos. Regina is really cute and getting wormer...

but smth is wrong with downloading from RS (dont know is it only for me)... it dl 2 sec with normaln speed then stops for 3-4 seconds then 2 seconds dl then stop :/ All downloading time is 3-4 times longer than it should be:/

Thanks for videos one more time

04.07.2009, 16:36

Re: Regina Videos & Caps

My little contribution featuring Regina's major highlights from yesterday. Lovely girl, great teaser!

Regina & Carmen shower:
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
(768x576 MP4, 5:13 mins, 76 MB)

Regina & Viviana - feat. Regina's closeup oops plus another nip slip scene:
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
(768x576 MP4, 4:09 mins, 60 MB)

04.07.2009, 14:01

Re: Regina Videos & Caps

thank you for the videos, I download it in the evening.
I agree with sucker some other girl had done the same (lia, Naomi, giulia) and now they do nothing (another wasted talent).
wait and see.

04.07.2009, 11:59

Re: Regina Videos & Caps

THX a lot for videos.

Do you remember golden eggs chicken fairytale?

Just a little advice. Could you please warn about Hans' voice inside the video?


04.07.2009, 10:12

Re: Regina Videos & Caps

thanks Shirtfull & der_Boy!!

Personally I didn't expect much more in her first nightshow... so I'm not disappointed at all

04.07.2009, 09:30

Re: Regina Videos & Caps


I have prooved my records of the show. A few steps further and I'm


04.07.2009, 09:24

Re: Regina Videos & Caps

Review of her first night-show at etv:

She started a little bit shy, just sitting in the jungle and talking to someone on the phone.

After more than an hour got more activ and teased twice with her ass. (Vid five post lower.)

(At that point some guys remarked here in the forum that she's boring in the night show and that they are disappointed.)

Coming back from a short break she's been forced by Carmen for a show under the waterfall. (Thx Carmen!)

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

As a result she had to remove her wet underwear so she was wearing now a sarong. Here became the show more interesting and the result were some oopses and a nice dance / strip with Viviana. The dance-vid with Viviana is already linked some posts lower by Shirtfull and me, the oopses are here:

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

A night-show debut that didn't disappoint, not as hot as most of us hopped but (my opinion) a good start.

04.07.2009, 07:20

Re: Regina Videos & Caps

There is no slipping slip. :-((

04.07.2009, 06:17

Re: Regina Videos & Caps

the complete scene between Regina and Viviana including creaming and oopses

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

7:52 Mins; 84 Mb; Xvid-Avi

04.07.2009, 02:41

Re: Regina Videos & Caps

Regina, the slip slipped

1:19Mins 28Mb Mpeg

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

11Secs 3Mb Mpeg

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig

 And the other side

12Secs 4Mb Mpeg

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

04.07.2009, 00:36

Re: Regina Videos & Caps

Miss Regina!!!!!

Tear down this slip!!!

Thx from Berlin!