- Videos & Caps

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20.11.2011, 12:08 - Videos & Caps

I think this is god place and time to create this thread.
So upload all videos and photos here.

20.11.2011, 17:03

Re: - Videos & Caps

pepers wrote:Posting videos from a restricted area is forbidden, but to publish a schedule informations also from a restricted area is allowed?
Strange forum rules.

If ETV is against the published material, they are free to contact and ask the admins of rapidshare, megaupload etc. to delete it from their servers. But I do not see a simple reason why should be a single post with a common link deleted also by the moderators of this forum.

I remember times when this forum was more independent!

maybe you should try it for yourself and see what happens.
because of the experience from the past with etv, shebang and also mfc at other forums I can asure you that the complaining part will always choose the easy way and will never take the trouble to contact websites like RS, MU or fb (you should know it best).
if we get the request to remove videos we'll accept this because we don't want to endanger the complete forum for a few single videos.
and as one of these requests was in the past from etv about the etvgirl vids we enlarge this for the until we get another info.

this isn't the first time that this happens although some complain that it's an etv only thing instead of reading any answers and the same for e.g. the schedule (e.g. that bullshit that every channel publishs a schedule). it's sad to see how many forum members are limited to etv only instead of enjoying the variety of the forum.

also it's a natural thing that a growing forum is more in danger to be asked for this and so these things happen sometimes. if you don't like it it'll be the best to open your own website instead of that lazy always complaining.

and as I'm not interested to waste my free sunday in this rubbish discussion I'll close this thread until it's ok to publish vids.

20.11.2011, 17:01

Re: - Videos & Caps

a good solution way [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

20.11.2011, 16:55

Re: - Videos & Caps

Hi Jufan,

why not? I think it is more exciting to not know the schedule Cool

But as you know the schedule is 99 Percent the same as every week....

20.11.2011, 16:51

Re: - Videos & Caps

pepers wrote:Posting videos from a restricted area is forbidden, but to publish a schedule informations also from a restricted area is allowed?
Strange forum rules.

If you like, we can stop filling in the schedule. Smile

20.11.2011, 16:39

Re: - Videos & Caps

Sexyboys12 wrote:why my post has been deleted ?

JuFan wrote:
Sexyboys12 wrote:This is question to moderator...
where i can post my video from this


Posting videos from a restricted area is forbidden, but to publish a schedule informations also from a restricted area is allowed?
Strange forum rules.

If ETV is against the published material, they are free to contact and ask the admins of rapidshare, megaupload etc. to delete it from their servers. But I do not see a simple reason why should be a single post with a common link deleted also by the moderators of this forum.

I remember times when this forum was more independent!

20.11.2011, 16:24

Re: - Videos & Caps

I saw the screencaps, I can't understand how is it possible to paid for that kind of show ?????
But, thanks to zorgaux for his work.....not about the content.

20.11.2011, 16:21

Re: - Videos & Caps

The next show starts from 5.00 to 6.00 pm. So, i think you can´t watch now.

20.11.2011, 16:17

Re: - Videos & Caps

Watcher wrote:Okay, so we've now got four threads discussing "" ...

Is anybody watching it?

I cannot get a picture, just sound.
I'm sat here listening to the curtain swaying to and fro.

How sad am I Sad

20.11.2011, 15:54

Re: - Videos & Caps

Sexyboys12 wrote:This is question to moderator...
where i can post my video from this


20.11.2011, 15:52

Re: - Videos & Caps

This is question to moderator...
where i can post my video from this

20.11.2011, 15:35

Re: - Videos & Caps

zorgaux wrote:Just a few screenshots to show you the bad video quality. Sad

we keep this caps as an example but accept what I've writen before and don't post more vids & caps until the Mods allowe this. Smile

20.11.2011, 13:27

Re: - Videos & Caps

Okay, so we've now got four threads discussing "" ...

Is anybody watching it?

20.11.2011, 13:09

Re: - Videos & Caps

chrispocz wrote:
Sexyboys12 wrote:I think this is god place and time to create this thread.
So upload all videos and photos here.

Even if you will be able to publish here videos of Whether you believe that someone wants to publish it here?
I mean the lack of gratitude. Existing video cost nothing (except time spent on preparing the video)
And now time and money spent to record video.
If they do a good show it's not necessary to cut, so this shouldn't be the show stopper.
Even if I had paid for watching I didn't have a problem with uploading the recording afterwards (except of my slow internet connection), but very probably ETV would have a problem with that because of directly affecting their business, actually in most countries they could even take legal actions against the publishing of videos of the satellite broadcast.
Additionally with the stream there's the technical question of the possibility to record it, there a certain streaming formats which make it difficult to record without special knowledge and -software.

20.11.2011, 12:54

Re: - Videos & Caps

Sexyboys12 wrote:I think this is god place and time to create this thread.
So upload all videos and photos here.

Even if you will be able to publish here videos of Whether you believe that someone wants to publish it here?
I mean the lack of gratitude. Existing video cost nothing (except time spent on preparing the video)
And now time and money spent to record video.
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