ETV goes to Hollywood

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12.02.2008, 15:53

ETV goes to Hollywood

Yesterday a learned colleague enquired about Binary code.

today a solution

elmovision proudly presents what was once thought to be a trilogy .....

the sequel MATRIX IV - Neon vs. Agent Mrs Smith - The Final Encounter.

starring Sabrina and Nikita including never before seen slomo effects live and without wires. No stunt persons or body doubles   ......

Keanu, Carrie-Anne, Hugo and the Wachowski brothers beware you have competition.

preview [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
the full 14.25 minutes 640*480

enjoy, I think that they did, I did too

12.02.2008, 15:55

Re: ETV goes to Hollywood


The few minutes I watched from that show Sabrina & Nikita were dancing at "ska ska skase" (by Stavros) notes.

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