Carmen - Videos & Caps

4.16 (25 Bewertung(en))

(4.16 / 5, 25 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

22.04.2008, 10:12

Re: Carmen

having scanned through the proceedings of last nights show
the best non f*ck*d up bit

the first 2 minutes of Carmen's scene at the pole with Gia at midnight
after which the vision mixer yet again went on a non guided tour of the studio set
or to put it into plain English - avoided the issue.
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
2:18 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 29.9 MB the HB version.

Carmen Aliyah and Alex all did full strips before and after and were treated similarly.

in Carmen's first strip close up of focus, seen it all before David Hamilton made soft even softer but unlike the eUrotiland (latin Molvania) directors, knew what he was doing. a soft out of focus cut to Jenifers face was hilarious, I can find no other word for this, perhaps I should invent one eUrotick a mix of erotic and slapstick.

21.04.2008, 18:26

Re: Carmen

for those interested the complete footage from the 3rd clip without edits. also includes Madlen and Gia
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
22:16 min 640*480 H.264 mp4 99.8 MB

20.04.2008, 23:56

Re: Carmen

Elmo, my thanks also for this. I was out this evening, but luckily my recorder was on! Only heavens knows when I find time to edit my recordings.

20.04.2008, 23:48

Re: Carmen

correction -  3 very good above, below or wherever
at 20.30 Carmen and Desita at it again, this time Gia included IMHO better than feet.
file name: ETV1 20.04.08 16.30 Carmen3 Desita.mp4
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
9:38 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 119 MB

@Carmen, oh man, ETV should consider themselves very lucky to have found you.

20.04.2008, 19:52

Re: Carmen

Good work. Thanks

20.04.2008, 18:51

Re: Carmen

Thank you Elmo. Always doing a good work.

20.04.2008, 18:48

Re: Carmen

Thanks Elmo

20.04.2008, 18:46


2 very good full strips from Carmen
at 17.13 wearing the panties and not all parrot pose, interrupted by feet what else ?
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
4:50 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 61.5 MB
again at 17.47 with Desita, again parrot pose ignored -))
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
8:57 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 98.2 MB

much, much better than last nights 8 hour epic.


17.04.2008, 00:18

Re: Carmen shows nipples


so what? The fact that Carmen's breasts are not symetric and the nipples have different sizes makes her unique. Thus, she is even more interesting and attractive. I could recommend you to give her a call and you would detect that she is also very nice.

16.04.2008, 23:29

Re: Carmen shows nipples

Cool, finally she did it! But now i know why she didn't want to show her nipples before! One nipple is much bigger than the other!  Maybe she was too shy...But she got a pretty nice and hot body anyway!

More of her plz! ;)

11.04.2008, 13:38

Re: Carmen shows nipples

very very nice thx again Shirtfull :-)

10.04.2008, 21:09

Re: Carmen shows nipples

Part 2

A nice closeup.

57Secs 18Mb Mpeg
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

10.04.2008, 20:34

Re: Carmen shows nipples

ouuuuuuuuuf.....  finally ... carmen....

Thx Shirtfull :-)

any more vids for carmen topless

10.04.2008, 17:59

Carmen shows nipples

As she said last night, today she would show her nipples.

Here is the unvieling
32Secs 10.5Mb Mpeg

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

10.04.2008, 10:28

Re: Carmen nightshow 07.04.08

A Carmen solo strip from yesterday night. The rest of the show war poor and disappointing.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
(768x576 MP4, 4:12 mins, 55 MB)

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