Carmen - Videos & Caps

4.16 (25 Bewertung(en))

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09.04.2008, 22:13

Re: Carmen nightshow 07.04.08

update from yesterday
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
3:46 768*576 H.264 mp4 48.6 MB

09.04.2008, 10:39

Re: Carmen nightshow 07.04.08

@bellerophon re best of Carmen etc.

I've made you another 2 for your sick or slow  machine, it easier to do this than sort it.
the bit rate is always higher nearly 2 mbit when I remix the contents. - that could
explain the best of vid. the red tape vid is a quickie in out edit from the stream as normal.

I always play the video- before I upload to see if there are any quirks. they were both O.K - re encoded the H264 mp4  files using Xvid export (2-pass), the info below comes from when I open the .avi in Quicktime on a Mac, if there was was anything amiss I couldn't do that.  [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
4:29 min 768*576  video DivX 5.0, audio MPEG layer 2 mono 44.100 kHz  54.5 MB
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
2:24 min 768*576  video DivX 5.0, audio MPEG layer 2 mono 44.100 kHz  29.2 MB

best of luck

08.04.2008, 20:25

Re: Carmen nightshow 07.04.08

the RS link

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

08.04.2008, 18:18

Re: Carmen nightshow 07.04.08

Those fucking tapes...

08.04.2008, 18:01

Re: Carmen nightshow 07.04.08

Blue is nearly empty, too.
I haven’t seen yellow for quite some time, so maybe this is already used up. ;-)

08.04.2008, 15:47

Re: Carmen nightshow 07.04.08

@DB play at  full screen to make sure
file name: ETV1 07.04.08 21.55 Carmen-the lack of red tape file.mp4
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
2:24 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 30.8 MB

oops my RS folder has screwed up big time
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

08.04.2008, 14:37

Re: Carmen nightshow 07.04.08

We can all aplaud a purring pussy -))

Do my eyes decieve me but the girl is running short of sticky tape. Once there were at least 5 pieces. Last week she was down to 2. Now it looks like just the one. Please do not replace the roll -))

08.04.2008, 13:40

Re: Carmen nightshow 07.04.08

This one is really funny. ;-)
Alex surely has her reason for applauding.

08.04.2008, 13:15

Carmen nightshow 07.04.08

the best of horny Carmen
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
4:29 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 62 MB
I think Alex was slightly embarrassed, at the end applauded the performance.

also features Gia Viviana and Jenifer


06.04.2008, 00:29

Re: Carmen on ETV2 now 05.04.08

@elmo: Why are you always recording the right channel? And why do you find exactly the only interesting minute in a boring 5 hour show? Do the models give you hints upfront: “Hey elmo, today my bra will fall into pieces exactly x hours and xx minutes into the show”?
Your incredible. Thanks.

05.04.2008, 23:54

Re: Carmen on ETV2 now 05.04.08

With relief that they did not come off with over-use of the sticky tape -))

Viele Danke !

05.04.2008, 23:00

Carmen on ETV2 now 05.04.08

Carmen without the red* tape, a slight juggle, not enough hands, and .....
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
05.15 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 67 MB
*(I know it is usually blue with sometime yellow)

video includes Angie and Jessy

03.04.2008, 18:09

wonderful carmen

this evening carmen making fullstrip  very sexy show..ı m waiting the videos..

25.03.2008, 21:40

Re: Wonderful Carmen strip 24.03.08

Maybe this is the J factor (J for Julia), she has always been a great motivator for all models.

25.03.2008, 09:01

Wonderful Carmen strip 24.03.08

from the end of the nightshow.
still taped up, never the less the best I've seen of her.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
5:12 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 73 MB


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