Carmen - Videos & Caps

4.16 (25 Bewertung(en))

(4.16 / 5, 25 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

01.04.2010, 09:35

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

oh my friends, yesterday night i miss the show Sad, how was Carmen show??????

21.03.2010, 22:52

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Pepers, many many thanks! Very good work! Thumb up
I saw: in HB there are also terrible banners, but they were showed at other times of the strip, so your video was a very good supplementing for me!

21.03.2010, 20:41

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

jonas wrote:But Carmen`s strip was about 10-20min(?) before, some minutes before her strip she answered to my message with the studio micro.

Carmen stripping for Jonas
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
03:36 mins, 58MB, h264 Mp4 - edited

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig][Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

21.03.2010, 19:20

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Thank you

21.03.2010, 19:11

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Many many thanks for your post, you are very friendly!
But Carmen`s strip was about 10-20min(?) before, some minutes before her strip she answered to my message with the studio micro.

21.03.2010, 14:48

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

jonas wrote:Please help me! Can someone post Carmen`s strip for me last night at about 3.07h recordet on HOTBIRD? On Astra her strip was partly destroyed by the terrible and tasteless white banner "Ihre Geheimnisse"!

@ jonas

Is it this ???

This was fantastic at the fag end of the show

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

21.03.2010, 12:56

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Tongue great, thanks a lot peppers Thumb up

21.03.2010, 12:49

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Please help me! Can someone post Carmen`s strip for me last night at about 3.07h recordet on HOTBIRD? On Astra her strip was partly destroyed by the terrible and tasteless white banner "Ihre Geheimnisse"!

21.03.2010, 02:15

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Carmen 2 doggystyle shots.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
00:37 mins, 9MB, h264 Mp4

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig][Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

18.03.2010, 10:37

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Gratulation Jonas for half success. On the multimedia page for Carmen already a new and better picture already exists.

17.03.2010, 16:33

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Catt wrote:Thank you Jonas. This was a highly professional hot strip from this beautiful kind woman.
To admire her movements is really a feast for the eyes.
I agree with you! Feast for the eyes is the correct expression for watching Carmen! In loveThumb up

17.03.2010, 13:49

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

thanks for all my friends Thumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb up

17.03.2010, 12:12

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Great show!!!! Carmen, Inez e Scalet my fovourite models......
Tnx to the videomasters.....

Thumb upThumb upThumb upThumb up

17.03.2010, 11:55

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

outside wrote:Did Carmen take a solo shower too?
THX in advance.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

17.03.2010, 11:30

Re: Carmen - Videos & Caps

Thank you Jonas. This was a highly professional hot strip from this beautiful kind woman.
To admire her movements is really a feast for the eyes.