6th birthday party

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24.10.2010, 10:26

6th birthday party

2 clips from ETV's 6th birthday

1.57 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 32.5 MB from Hotbird feed to RS
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
5.44 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 94 MB from Hotbird feed to RS
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

needless to say I will not be publishing the shower scene

30.10.2010, 16:19

Re: 6th birthday party

Tarl , you're on fire today


30.10.2010, 14:22

Re: 6th birthday party

I have replaced the short video [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] with a longer version which contains more names of members in this forum

and I have added the complete 6th ETV birthday retrospective to the opening post of [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig].

29.10.2010, 19:34

Re: 6th birthday party

someone has videos from 1st Etv birthday party? fantastic.. i search them by years

29.10.2010, 14:16

Re: 6th birthday party

For the people who maybe would be interested Blush Blush Blush : this is my conversation with Lace when i was " Live On Air " and remember i was a bit nervous Blush Sad and my english was not that perfect at some times Sad ..but anyway i hope some of you can listen to it Smile Thumb up

" the minutes while you were speaking

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] "

For this vid i would like to thank Tarl for making this possible again SmileThumb up Thumb up Thumb up .... as always Blush Blush Blush

Kind Regards

( ps : @Tarl, this one ....it finaly works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

26.10.2010, 23:49

Re: 6th birthday party

Crash90 wrote:I just read in the official ETV Forum that they showed the names of those who congratulated on their site. Does anybody have that video, I'd like to see how they did that. Smile

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
(new & longer version including a special Thx to Shaky, the list of the forum members and the most often senders of VIPs or callers)

nasissimo wrote:strip Kiara yesterday!

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

26.10.2010, 16:02

Re: 6th birthday party

I just read in the official ETV Forum that they showed the names of those who congratulated on their site. Does anybody have that video, I'd like to see how they did that. Smile

25.10.2010, 22:53

Re: 6th birthday party

shaky-schumi wrote:sorry for asking Confused Blush but has someone recorded last night from 01.20 till 01.35 u because i was " Live on Air " in the studio ,Lace was speaking with me and was asking some questions ,so yes Lace was speaking with " Shaky from Belgium "
if our vid makers could and can post this i would be happy Blush ,and also you will hear some questions that Lace asked me in front of the camera

Kind Regards

Like Tarl said you will get the part in a PM; I didn't record the show. I want to tell you that I heard the conversation and I think you asked the right questions about the cameratime for the girl who is performing and the (too much) talking from the mod through the music and the performance. Your english was good, it was a pity that your favourite model, which happens to be also my favourite model, was not there.
Well done, greetings from a neighbour next to Belgium.

25.10.2010, 20:52

Re: 6th birthday party

Valerian wrote:Those nude clips of the girls at the beach that were shown on the studio tv,they are kind of part of the show,do they have
a name or something to look for them, i mean uncensored,because the clips were obviously cut.

I remember when they advertised these clips but did nt notice any possible dvd title etc.
Anyone knows what these clips were?

Those clips and pics have been produced for download from the webside (and for the never started etv shop). They showed the uncut version this time. Previously they only broadcasted a cut version.
Sorry there is no dvd.
And there have been some clips and pics they never showed or sold (don't know if they still exist in the archive).

25.10.2010, 19:51

Re: 6th birthday party

the basic instinct vid is very sexyyy... anymore of those? tq

25.10.2010, 16:25

Re: 6th birthday party

Nickname6 wrote:What happened yesterday/ today nightshow? Unfortunately I missed Sad
Was Malena hot?! videos pleaseSmile

more than just one answer can be found [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

25.10.2010, 16:01

Re: 6th birthday party

What happened yesterday/ today nightshow? Unfortunately I missed Sad
Was Malena hot?! videos pleaseSmile

25.10.2010, 15:28

Re: 6th birthday party

Those nude clips of the girls at the beach that were shown on the studio tv,they are kind of part of the show,do they have
a name or something to look for them, i mean uncensored,because the clips were obviously cut.

I remember when they advertised these clips but did nt notice any possible dvd title etc.
Anyone knows what these clips were?

24.10.2010, 18:40

Re: 6th birthday party

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
maklo99 wrote:what shower scene ? I didn't watched the show.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

ok I understand now why.

24.10.2010, 18:27

Re: 6th birthday party

maklo99 wrote:what shower scene ? I didn't watched the show.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]