walking in the street is better than watching ETV

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27.05.2009, 12:37

walking in the street is better than watching ETV

hi my friends

i think ETV has some boring model that they are shy. i think these model should work in church not in ETV.

also Clio shuold be churchman, because she is chaste.

with these situations I hate ETV and i don't like model of ETV.

ETV, please has good show for your fans.

30.05.2009, 11:08

Re: walking in the street is better than watching ETV

hey capitan and perconicus24

Gia left ETV 2 month ago and she don't come back. It's sad but we should accept that.

29.05.2009, 13:05

Re: walking in the street is better than watching ETV

Yes I want Gia to return too, I miss her :-(((((((

29.05.2009, 12:25

Re: walking in the street is better than watching ETV

you're right, we want giaa...where's??? :(

28.05.2009, 20:33

Re: walking in the street is better than watching ETV

Well Spoken Edvardy, but ETV won't change their program.

Let's dream about the good old times

27.05.2009, 13:36

Re: walking in the street is better than watching ETV

mhh... sadly you're right

but your english is worse,sorry ;-)

27.05.2009, 13:00

Re: walking in the street is better than watching ETV

lol.. u r right..
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