point of view

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19.03.2009, 11:36

point of view

hi evry body

do yu think like me that eurotic tv model and team like so much noring show,

usually when two or three girl start to make sexy show the kamera left them to a boring one

20.03.2009, 13:33

Re: point of view

no arguments here...

tottaly true...

19.03.2009, 17:52

Re: point of view

hello vappiano68

thanks and have a nice evening! :-)

19.03.2009, 17:47

Re: point of view

Hello simply22,
You're are totally right.
She could be the right girl for child-TV-
I can't imagine how she can excite her callers.

Maybe she knows the future and gives lotto numbers !


19.03.2009, 17:40

Re: point of view

hi friends

i am here now for ask about a model: Violet! I talked of her in this days but now i watch she is present in many shows in this days and i ask: whats rapresent this model? I dont dicuss about her beauty because she is nice but about her show! Cold cold ice and ice again!

This is only my opinion but i repet again who a model want to work in a eurotic tv must to excite our public with show most interesting and show a little bra, slip ecc...and her??

Hi friends!

19.03.2009, 17:17

Re: point of view

hi friends!

for this is all right but i think too when call or send sms many of this are not considerate...it depends of the kind of the girl and what we want...i say not for me but for many person who have calls and send sms and the girls dont have doing nothing!

I think is better dont spend much money for nothing

hi friends

19.03.2009, 16:09

Re: point of view

Hi rapper--its all about keeping the caller on the line for as long as possible to get as much money out of them. The model with the caller keeps sweet talking them till they get fed up waiting for a show and hang up. I think a lot of regular callers in the past have stopped calling because of this practise. I say --no show no call.

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